UI MEME OF THE DAY, a Daily Series…
Welcome back.
We knew it all along … and they picked a New York’s Finest way to show the rest of the world (in ‘quickstep’ time) how insidiously nasty and vicious and childish they can be.
In an act of outright defiance, the New York Police Department (a/k/a “NYPD” a/k/a KKK), let the entire world know just exactly how they really feel about their “god-given” right to brutalize Black people in the streets of New York and its boroughs and walk away from it.
They turned their backs on Mayor Bill de Blasio for having the nerve enough not to endorse their criminal behaviors.
Black Americans are highly familiar with police brutality–moreso than any other race or ethnicity in the United States. After more than 100 years of unjustified murders and lynchings left and right, one single Mayor dared to define it and defy it, by telling them it’s simply not okay to just go around wantonly killing unarmed Black men and women for any reason they want and walking away from it like it’s December 24, 1865 all over again.
Unlike the people of Pulaski, Tennessee once did, the city of New York has a vested interest in not becoming the re-“Birth of a Nation” all over again. They say this goes much farther and deeper than just “racism,” but the truth is, racism is at the heart of it. Period. They just have to take out a few of their own from time to time (“The Dispensable Ones”) to fan the flames and burning embers in the other direction every now and again.
In one fell swoop, the NYPD showed their asses and showed the entire world how unmitigatingly despicable they can be and also how easy it will be from now on for the rest of the world to disrespect an American nation that dares to start wars with other countries and nations over things that they do to their own Black countrymen.
They also have proven -once again- what Black people have been saying about them all along. The stuff they were able to hide, they can’t hide it any more. They can’t hide it, but they most assuredly can and do lie about it.
There are so many Black people, for that reason, who do not believe “camera cops” are going to be good enough.
We have seen and watched them beat, maim and even murder one Black person after another for no legally or morally justifiable reason and their only response to all of it is “You imagined the whole thing.”
You’re paranoid. It didn’t happen. You made it all up. You didn’t see what you THOUGHT you saw. Just because the man is running out of the room with his dingaling hanging out and pants wrapped around his ankles does NOT mean he was having sex with the other naked person in the room. They were “getting ready to” and he changed his mind at the last minute, just as you walked in. Attack of conscience.
It is often said that “Lincoln freed the slaves,” but the truth is Lincoln never did any such thing.
Lincoln freed some of the SOUTHERN soldiers who fought in the Civil War, and their families, without which that war would never have been won. What freed the slaves was going back to retrieve their families from the farms and plantations. All of those black folks, somehow, ended up being related to one another.
In the final analysis, America was only able to progress forward as a nation and become “great” (for what that’s worth) because Black people fought for their own freedom and won. They were no “happy-dappy zippedy-doo-dah glad-and-honored-to-be-a-slave” types of persons, and they made it their business to let everyone know it.
It was a long hard tough battle, but had they not done what they did, those slavers, and their overseers and slave catchers would have been tethered to those slaves to this very day. The battle would have been lost, and so would the war.
Now, another “Civil War” has ensued in America, and the slavecatchers are still doing now what they were doing more than 100 years ago – brutalizing, lynching and maiming MAJORLY Black people (African Americans, if you will) and getting away with it.
The bottom line: Slavery never really ended in America.
Many Black people across the nation still refer to their own jobs and neighborhoods as “plantations,” because that is what they are. By the look, the feel, the lingering attitudes, and the continuous subjugation of Black people all over the nation, slavery never truly ended. Maybe in form and substance, but never in heart or roots.
This nation has done little to nothing to exorcise itself of those demons of the past.
Remarkably enough, some in the deep south even appear to be quite proud of that legacy and have refused to acknowledge that a GREAT debt is owed to Black Americans whose ancestors served on those plantations for centuries and built this country from the ground up.
This nation is at a great precipice. This hour will determine if this is ever going to change, or keep right on pushing into infinity and beyond until every Black person in the nation is literally back in chains again, and calling prison and barbed wire farms “home.” Them whites still have to eat and make a profit, and they are still to this very moment in time and history, too lazy to do their own work.
Mayor de Blasio did the right thing.
Yet, all he got was what all white men and women in his situation get when they stand up for legalized equity in treatment of America’s black citizens: He got called, in a nutshell and judging by their behaviors, a “nigger-lover.” To Kill A Mockingbird, A Time to Kill, A Lesson Before Dying, The Color of Law  …. you’re watching it all come to fruition right in front of your eyes: In full Live! 4D Blueray Technicolor. Yes, this is what your parents and grandparents, and even some of your great-grandparents, were talking about that you didn’t think existed any longer.
Abandoned by his own city’s police forces, he now knows that it feels like to REALLY be one of the U.S. that is only US. The dis-United States of America turned its disgruntled back on its own Black citizens a long time ago-back in 1865-and it hasn’t taken the time out to look back; nor will it ever. The impact is still being felt to this very day; except this time the world sees it for what it is, and judges it rightly this time.
There is one little “aside” and disclaimer, however.
How much do Black people help contribute to this supremacist hatefulness, spiritually, emotionally, and especially financially?
Judging by December 2014’s purchases of those latest release Nike Air Jordan 11 “Legend Blue“‘s, (…salute to the men in blue who kick Black ass and take names later…), it would appear that far too many Black Americans are completely oblivious to the fact that those cheap Chinese-manufactured $2 ‘at-cost’ plantation slave shoes on their feet [made by a company where most of the buyers can’t get a decent job] are also made by a company that supports the brutalization of Black men and women and their continual enslavement in prison systems across the USA, really – around the world if you think about who makes those shoes and how much they are paid in exchange for their slave labor.
For those of you who, like Michael Brown’s mother, think you are “above it all” and “it can’t or won’t happen to you,” think again. Those shoes do not cause anything to “take flight” unless an angel is popping wings on your back while someone else is popping bullets in your ass.
Hope those Air Jordans are worth it, Black America, because all we have left to say now is “Run Ni&&er Run.”
Question: Are you familiar with ALEC and the Prison Industrial Complex and “Stand Your Ground” laws that are supported by American corporations for the purpose of nailing white supremacy into American soil permanently? Do you agree with it?
The Skillet Lickers – Run, Nigger, Run lyrics
Download Run, Nigger, Run 320kbps mp3
Oh run nigger run well the pattyroller will get you
Run nigger run well you better get away
Run nigger run well the pattyroller will get you
Run nigger run well you better get away
Nigger run nigger flew
Nigger tore his shirt in two
Run run the patty roller will get you
Run nigger run well you better get away
Nigger run, run so fast
Stoved his head in a hornets nest
Run nigger run well the pattyroller will get you
Run nigger run well you better get away
Nigger run through the field
Black slick coal and barley heel
Run nigger run the pattyroller will get you
Run nigger run well you better get away
Some folks say a nigger won’t steal
I caught three in my corn field
One has a bushel
And one has a peck
One had a rope and it was hung around his neck
Run nigger run well the pattyroller will get you
Run nigger run well you better get away
Run nigger run well the pattyroller will get you
Run nigger run well you better get away
Oh nigger run and nigger flew
Why in the devil can’t a white man chew
Run nigger run well the pattyroller will get you
Run nigger run well you better get away
Hey Mr. Patty roller don’t catch me
Catch that nigger behind that tree
Run nigger run well the pattyroller will get you
Run nigger run well you better get away
Nigger run, run so fast
Stoved his head in a hornets nest
Run nigger run well the pattyroller will get you
Run nigger run well you better get away
Nigger run, run so fast
Nigger, he got away at last
Run nigger run well the pattyroller will get you
Run nigger run well you better get away…
Steve Scalise: Would they say the same thing about a Black Democrat Legislator who once associated with Louis Farrakhan?
1 Cor 4:5b (Phi) He will bring into the light of day all that at present is hidden in darkness, and he will expose the secret motives of men’s hearts.
Ecclesiastes 12:13Â Now all has been heard;
    here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
    for this is the duty of all mankind.
14Â For God will bring every deed into judgment,
    including every hidden thing,
    whether it is good or evil.