Ahma just sit this right here and let it marinate:
Whatever Black people do, we tend to excel at.
One of the reasons why racist whites come at us the way they do is because they fear and dread, and they have feared and dreaded this moment, for a very long time. This is not about President Obama, the machine behind this is bigger than him. It rolled without him and it will keep rolling long after he’s gone.
However, I mentioned this on the Radio Show, The Joshua Generation Network Radio, and I’ll say it again:
The very thing that people fear the most is the most natural thing that will hit them the fastest.
Them killing Black people is only hastening the end result, so to speak.
If they had let things be as they were — even with a Black President in office, I can imagine that most Black folks would still be mentally lulled off to beddy-bye and still living in LaLaLand. But an awakening has arisen, and it was the SLEEPING GIANT of their worst nightmares.
Because that “they” (and they know who they are) decided –out of fear– to take up arms and threaten a United States President who happens to be Black/colored and did it out in the open for the whole world to see; and because they decided to behave as they have, the Lord Most High has brought justice a-wreaking havoc on their puny little heads, top and bottom ones.
It had to be.
In the final analysis, it is not white justice nor Black justice that will reign in a civilized world – it is only the type of justice the world in its righteous well-defined cycle can give. Here is the thing and the unifying instrument between Black and white in America: It wasn’t just Black people that got screwed by this government, the white people did, too.
We were all off, collectively, partying and drinking and taking money on Wall Street in exchange for our lives and futures, and now the tentacles of lasciviousness are so wrapped and engaged around us that every time we chop off one tentacle, another grows on its own — dangerously within reach of suffocating all American citizens any second now.
In this world, on this planet, there is a thing called protocol.
This is a nation that was created on the backs of slaves and by slave labor. There is no way around it, it’s historical fact. So when you talk about “sending people back to Africa,” you send them back with everything you took from them as well as everything they earned.
That alone bankrupts America and brings it to its knees, for once, for all, for good.
They can take up arms and do all the shooting they want to, and they can get their small-dyk issues out of their system at our expense, but this “head game” they have played on Black people and on their own kind has been called on account of Former and Latter rains.
Shoot and kill as they must or feel they need to, no one is afraid of them any more.
White supremacy is officially a dying thing, even though it is still tentacled around us with a bunch of other mess they caused.
Police state be damned. The Mafia is running the country, and we let it happen on OUR watch.
However, those who try to carry on with race supremacy and white nationalism -at the expense of everyone, other white people included- will ultimately take it to their graves with them.
Hell, if the FBI is watching me or anyone else like me, they’re looking in the wrong direction.
Those who are on the RIGHT side, and not the “white” side, of history will prevail.
The clock is ticking. Tick. Tock.