Tell me … why is it not racist to “buy white” at Wal-Mart, but it is racist to “buy Black” at Boxcar Grocer?
We cannot, as a people, afford to lose another Black business, so when I heard that Boxcar Grocer in Atlanta’s West End Castleberry subdivision was closing shop, I went into panic mode.
We have screamed and hollered about needing more Black businesses, but we really don’t support the ones we have.
When someone opens a Black business, especially one that isn’t trying to poison our food and water and one that is sustainable and trying to bring us back healthy good food especially, it lacks so much by way of community support that it ends up selling out to a larger entity or closing its doors all together.
In order to understand why we, the Black and afrocentric people of the United States of America, continue to be subjected to racism and disenfranchisement – we have to understand the system in which we live, and our own value system as contained herein.
We are hard-pressed to pull ourselves away from this Corporatized Beast that we built, truly, against our will.
This system has consistently taken away from us and our posterity, but has fed little to nothing back into us in the form of reinvestments – give or take a credit or two for a paycheck, which is something our ancestors didn’t get for more than 300 years.
Here’s the deal: We’re the ones majorly holding this corporate Beast up, damned near single-handedly.
So since we have the lecturers, the experts, the workers, the managers, the financiers, the teachers, the leaders, the scientists, the manufacturers, the doctors, the nurses, the business owners, the artists, the engagers, the professors, the doctorates, the degreed, and everyone that we need to untwist ourselves from this lame slavery-based system, then why are we still here calling corporate America “The Plantation”?
We could have walked away a long time ago … it’s not like we don’t have the money and the ingenuity to do so.
We, the Black people of the United States of America, have everyone we need, but we prefer to support “the system” the way it is by working for those who could truly care less what happens to us or our children.
There is no way to convince Black people that we don’t have what we need when it is our labor and our finances and our taxes that CONTINUE TO UPHOLD THE VERY SAME SYSTEM that exists for no other reason than to tear us down, or keep us where we are — with seldom to little chance for advancement or forward progression.
We can’t get out of the work-a-day world to develop and grow what we need to develop and grow to sustain us, and that -in fact- means we are still not a free people.
Freedom means not having to rely or depend on the USA for alone for our daily bread, or begging it to “treat us as equals”. We don’t need this country to treat us as equals, we need it out of our lives and out of our business … once and for all.
There are many many other nations, other countries outside of this one, and other people who have been subjected to the same westernized racist mess that we deal with in this country. This ought to be the end of the road for every Black person living in America. Cut the umbilical cord already.
Roll the die…take your chances.
May as well. We no longer have anything else to lose, we’ve already lost most of what we earned by giving way to this ratchet system of racism and injustice in the first place.
Our political and economic base is all out of whack here, so maybe it’s our REFUSAL to Buy Black! that is the root of the most truest racism that there is.
We were taught from the inception of this corporatized nation on stolen ground that we owe our lives, our futures, our destinies, our children, and everything else that we have to white-skinned people, so it appears that the real racism is that we bought into that lie, and do still continue to self-sustain their injustice against us to this very day — with our politics, AND our economics and finances. It’s more “caged rat” syndrome with Black America than it is “crabs in barrel” syndrome, because we didn’t have to be in the barrel in the first place.
There was a time when we didn’t have a choice, let alone any choices … but those days are long gone, and we still think and act and react like we’re still back there. Like a child on “failure to launch” who, even after becoming a full grown adult, doesn’t want to get out and be on their own.
Don’t get it twisted, America still owes us and owes us BIG TIME.
The last we calculated, those who enslaved our Black ancestors and started this mess called America and those whose posterity ultimately benefited off that wholesale entitlement enslavement still owe us something like $777 TRILLION in reparations, and still ticking.
We’re not going away without what is due and owing, that much is certain. Until then, we actually OWN this country because of the debt that remains largely unpaid that was exchanged for some lollipop-type Affirmative Action Unequal Opportunities amenities.
Our political and economic base is the only thing, besides our belief and trust in one another, that is going to bring us back to heart center and our roots and put Black America where she rightfully belongs.
Get a clue.