UIMD: Hey, It wasn’t Us Who said “all Black people are justified” in Killing Unarmed White People

by | Dec 17, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments


When we talk about the senseless killings and murders of unarmed Black men and women, even by other Black people, it often gets treated the same way that white people use to ridicule fat Black women — by comparing fat Black women to skinny white women, as if there is no such thing as a fat white woman.

It would be too easy to compare a fat white woman to a skinny or slim Black woman, because there are PLENTY of them out here. But we usually don’t take the low road unless we have to.

Compare fat to fat and skinny to skinny, don’t use some chopped up racialized BS to make things appear to be other than what they are. If you do it, you aren’t the only one who can play the “dumb@ass” game. If you get “hit back hard,” you can’t holler racism about some racist shyt you started.

Many of us, too many, often talk about “Black criminals” as if crime actually has a color or a race or an ethnicity attached to it.

We could sit around and compare good Black people who have never committed crimes to white criminals all day long and use it to justify treating them the same way we get treated by them, but who’s keeping tabs on this shyt?

Those who start it get thoroughly tanked out in the head when someone turns around and holds a mirror up to their own faces and tells them to see reality for what it is and not what they wish it was; and to go tend to their own criminals instead of lurking around ours looking for excuses for their own bad behaviors.

In other words, “Go Focus on Your Own Damnable Family”.


Apprehended alive: Six White Killers, even more.

Apprehended dead: Six Black Persons who never killed anyone in their lives, even more.

The dead may have had many labels assigned to them post-mortem by a very vile and wicked racist society, but at least cold-blooded killer wasn’t one of them.



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