UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series…
It was reported that some of the GOP officials said that the NAACP should be “ashamed” of themselves for not reaching out to Mia Love and Tim Scott for their “historical” wins as the first Blacks elected to the Senate and House in Congress. They later amended that to read “first Black Republicans” elected. Somebody schooled them with a quickness, they knew nothing.
More than ever, this is pretty convincing evidence that Democrats remain on the right side of history, even if they did cower and turn on their own elected President during his last term of office.
Save the fact that the GOP ought to be ashamed of themselves for not having Blacks in Congress on the Republican Party ticket before 2014, and ashamed of themselves for screwing with elections that they would never win if they did not cheat, the NAACP should be ashamed of themselves for a lot of various reasons, but that isn’t one of them.
The Republican Party has never been a friend to the NAACP, and they have always been Democrat-inclined even though highly ineffective.
They do not owe the Republican Party or any of its constituents a winking blinking nod, and we are certain Mia Love and Tim Scott are not members of the NAACP and will most assuredly be inclined to swerve from any position the NAACP takes if they were. If they were members, of course, they would congratulate one of their own, no matter which side they are on.
The NAACP doesn’t rep for every Black person in America, and Love and Scott are two of them.
Besides, we don’t remember the Republican Party sending a word of congratulations to Shirley Chisholm when the DEMOCRATS elected her, the first of her kind, to Congress in 1968. All’s fair in love and war.
They keep thinking they did some fabulous “firsts” that Black folks had already taken for a spin several times before they ever caught on to it. Braids, big butts, rap, hip-hop, break dancing, soul, r&b, techno, jazz, blues, basketball flight, ironing presses, cotton gins, heart transplants, flat irons, stop lights…you name it … if we did it first, it somehow just didn’t get “discovered” until white folks –and their semi-white friends- got their hands on it.
Congratulations to Mia Love and to Tim Scott, but they didn’t have to make that much of an effort.
The GOP needed to do some damage control on their past and current racist history, as did the Mormon Church to which Love belongs. They did that in the 1970s, and I’m going to give credit to The Osmond Family for that happening, because it’s not impossible to connect the dots to a Mormon family that had not a racist bone in their bodies, were huge fans of the Jacksons and of Michael Jackson, and did a tremendous tribute to Motown back in the day when it wasn’t that popular with Mormons, who still hated Black people.
Mia Love and Tim Scott are the “Halle and Denzel” superstars of that newer friendlier racism front they are putting up for the moment, until it doesn’t work out for them as planned.
With that kind of political traction, they think they can tease Black folks over into voting Republican again, like back when so many of them were coerced into it, as many of them still are today.
Now these are the same Black folks they are trying to attract by using Love and Scott as fish bait, from whom they not only took away their right to vote by snatching the heart out of the voting rights act of 1965, but also by sabotaging the elections, drawing up Citizens United to throw corporate money into the politics, and then turning on President Obama like the vicious dogs that they are, obstructing and sabotaging him from the moment he took his seat in the Oval Office in January of 2009.
Ms Love and Ms Scott are in for a long ride with the Republican Party.
She stated that she has never experienced “racism” in America. Maybe not in Utah’s America where you live, sister, of which you are one of a few of your kind thanks to the Osmonds and not to the Romneys; but… Love had better hunker down and get ready for this cold black winter flu season that is coming in DC.
If more than 200 years of history is any indication whatsoever, they are not only going to hit her and Scott with that “3 am negro wakeup call,” but when they do it -not if–Â they will also specialize in making them both think it isn’t what it is when they do it.
The GOP-love that Love is about to encounter in DC is nothing like the ones who made her feel “all specialized Black” in Utah.
It is the same Party that could not even find a place in their patriotic and civic duty to respect their own duly elected President … not only because they have always hated Democratic policies and functions, but because of the color of his skin above the content of his character. How much love and “respect” Love and Scott get from their own chosen political party, where no one over here will be interested enough to watch or care what happens, remains to be seen.
However, if she can “heal” it better than PRESIDENT Obama attempted to, we’ll give her and hers a standing ovation and move on from there.
The Laborer and the Snake A SNAKE, having made his hole close to the porch of a cottage, inflicted a mortal bite on the Cottager's infant son. Grieving over his loss, the Father resolved to kill the Snake. The next day, when it came out of its hole for food, he took up his axe, but by swinging too hastily, missed its head and cut off only the end of its tail. After some time the Cottager, afraid that the Snake would bite him also, endeavored to make peace, and placed some bread and salt in the hole. The Snake, slightly hissing, said: "There can henceforth be no peace between us; for whenever I see you I shall remember the loss of my tail, and whenever you see me you will be thinking of the death of your son." No one truly forgets injuries in the presence of him who caused the injury.