UI MEME OF THE DAY, a Daily Series…
Today’s Meme is actually a News Report.
NJ.com, self-styled “True Jersey” news blog, reports “Christie Calls on Obama to Demand Cuba Return Cop Killer Joanne Chesimard.”
For one thing, there is no “cop killer” named Joanne Chesimard, that is only her understood FBI captured/escaped plantation slave name.
There is a lone Black woman righteously named Assata Shakur, who -for all stories seen, heard and told -was put in a position to have to defend herself from a localized New Jerseyian “cop hit” bounty that was placed on her head.
There is an uncanny loosely-connected parallel: George Zimmerman’s made up story which the white racist faction of America rewards, embraces, and pats on the back. Shakur got the upper-hand on her own self-defense against a hired murderer who was trying to kill her. The only real difference is that Shakur’s attacker had a lethal weapon on his person, Zimmerman’s alleged attacker had nothing more than Skittles and a can of Arizona Iced Tea, as he used the sidewalk he fell on for a “lethal weapon” to defend himself. Oh yes, there is another uncanny parallel, Zimmerman was labeled a hero for murdering an unarmed 17-year old; Shakur is labeled a “terrorist” for killing an armed hit man. In either case, the dead attacker (;-*) was of the same race as the Black female who is still living at this time. Had Trayvon Martin rightly defended himself and gotten the upper hand, he’d be where Zimmerman is now — except in prison, probably for life.
Let’s not talk about “why” this is, we already KNOW why.
Here is what NJ.com reported on, “Gov. Chris Christie has called on President Barack Obama to demand that Cuba return a woman convicted of killing a New Jersey State Police officer in 1973 before the United States moves forward with a plan to restore diplomatic relations with the communist nation.” The Republican governor wrote in a letter to Obama that he profoundly disagrees with the decision announced last week to re-establish diplomatic ties with Cuba, saying he does not share the view that taking that step “without a clear commitment from the Cuban government of the steps they will take to reverse decades of human rights violations will result in a better and more just Cuba for its people.” Still, Christie wrote that he thought an opportunity existed for Cuba to show it was serious about change.”
Now, Christie fashions himself as The President of the United States, grandiosely white-usurping President Obama’s job like some other folks both Black and white think they have the right to do. It becomes sadly obvious that Christie has some real delusions of grandeur about who and what he is, going by his past actions in the state of New Jersey.
But here’s the real deal: If America wants to condemn Cuba, going by Christie’s personal orders to the President of the United States, this America might start with condemning itself first. It is certainly no righteous redeemer of the citizens of Cuba who were treated the same as Black citizens in America.
This nation has a history of the enslavement and brutalization, maiming and murder of not only African indigenous people, but the Indians who were Black people who have now deracinated themselves and who were indigenous to this land before Christopher Columbus’ lost arss showed up here by mistake.
America has a long and storied history of current modern-day slavery and of the unwarranted and uncondemned killings of unarmed men and women all over the USA, most of whom are Black children and teens and young adults and too many of whom are poor and were without the means to protect themselves against murdering police officers at the time that they were senselessly and violently murdered for no reason whatsoever.
One has nothing to do with the other? Ahma have to call bullshyt on that for the following reasons:
- This nation has a history of violence not only all over the world, but against its own citizens. If Assata Shakur put herself into the subjective “fray” of this corruption with her attempt to expose these racist violent criminal cops for who they really are, then it isn’t hard to understand why there is a small faction of Black America who would call Ms Shakur a “martyr for the cause,” or to even go so far as to defend the Chris Dorner’s and even the Ismaiiyl Brinsley’s of the country. It’s a double- and triple-fisted cup of snake venom that we are drinking here, and it spells nothing but the ultimate means for the destruction of the United States of America at its own hand, or shall we say at its own “flick of the wrist.” We don’t hate our country, we hate those who hate certain citizens enough to stoop that despicably low and put all of our necks in the chopping blocks. This nation has not won a war since WWII, and with all of the drunks, drug addicts, abusers, and various garden variety humpdogs in the military since the 1950s, it is unlikely it ever will again.
- This is a nation that has yet to condemn itself –outside of a few weak@ ‘slave’ apologies (and while simultaneously holding slaves in the prison systems and on the cotton-picking fruit and vegetable farms)– for not only creating centuries of enemies around the world, but for creating for itself “The Enemies Within.”
- The only reason they are really and truly after Shakur in this horrendous and outrageous manner has nothing to do with her apparent right to self-defense when she put a murdering cop into the grave he had planned for her; it has more to do with their own “white nationalist pride” that they got heavily outsmarted by a highly intelligent young Black woman who fashioned herself into a revolutionary and did what she was supposed to do.
- Shakur is supposed to serve as a lesson to ALL Black people that white supremacy will continue to reign in America and that we’d better get used to that idea and bow down to it, or risk what is already a fact of life for Black Americans: Permanent imprisonment and/or death penalties without reason or regard for the lives of our own people.
- The violence is definitely coming from them. Move the cops out of Black neighborhoods, take the money that they use to create Black criminals, and watch the noise simmer down to a dull roar. Black on Black crime has already decreased on its own, chances are that it will come close to diminishing as soon as they are gone for good.
We usually take the position of allowing the President to preside, because that is his job and not ours. But today, because of Gov. Christie and his demands on President Obama, we’re going to play “Armchair Authority-less U.S. President” right along with these others and say this: Assata Shakur is DEFINITELY due a Presidential Pardon.
Without that, no one in the Black community has any business spending any of our American national dollars helping to expand the Cuban economy, ‘open door policy’ or no open door policy.
President Obama is in a unique position at this time in history to actually BE THE MIRACLE and be a total “racial equalizer” in this nation and balance the imbalance. Or he can allow the overt and covert racism both here and abroad to continue on his watch and with his signature, stamp and seal on it long after he is gone from office.
That’s all there is and there is no more. Complications and all, it really is that simple.
Because the state of Florida and all other states in this America let thugged-out cop murderers go free as they mercilessly mow down and murder people who are not armed, and then laugh at them for “getting themselves killed,” surely Shakur should be given the exact same NON-RACIST consideration for the warranted and justified killing of someone who wanted her dead. Her one victory against their THOUSANDS of slaughters ought to be put exactly in the context in which it belongs.
We understand that there are people who are going to try to white-usurp this conversation by saying “You left out ALL the details,” but let us allow Ms Shakur to speak for herself, which she has chosen to do.
The “mainstream” media overlooks her in their wholly Zionist tradition of the persecution and prosecution of Black and African peoples all over the world, and it’s past time -as she ages and blazes into her own immortality in history -for her to tell her own truth.
She will always be a hero in Black America, no matter what. Their lies cannot stop her truth. Ever.
Says Shakur:Â “Like most poor people in the United States, I have no voice. The Black press and the progressive media, as well as Black civil rights organizations, have historically played an essential role in the struggle for social justice. We should continue and expand that tradition. We should create media outlets that help to educate our people and our children, and not annihilate their minds. I am only one woman. I own no TV stations or radio stations or newspapers. But I believe that people need to be educated as to what is going on and to understand the connection between the news media and the instruments of repression in America. All I have are my voice, my spirit and the will to tell the truth. But I sincerely ask those of you in the Black media, those of you in the progressive media and those of you who believe in truth and freedom to publish my story.’ -Assata Shakur