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UIMD: Culture Bandits Rape Black America…Again | Urban Intellectuals

UIMD: Culture Bandits Rape Black America…Again

by | Nov 13, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

Ui Meme of the Day, a Daily Series…

How many times have we seen, viewed and witnessed the fact that “white America,” if it were not for Black people, would not even have so much as an imagination, let alone any real mineral or world resources of their own on which to subsist and maintain?

Pat yourself on the back, Black people, especially Black women.



They used Saartjie (Sarah) Baartman for it and turned her into a “circus excursion” to be viewed and ridiculed, but on Kim Kardashian, an oversized humongous ASS is suddenly the “in thing.”

Everything you’ve ever concocted or came up with in the history of the world has been copied, stolen, or “discovered” by some white person who is a suckling of your ingenuity, talents, skills, and even of your natural birthright inheritance.

They are paying you, Black women, a backhanded compliment for something you’ve had and done for years, decades, even centuries.

These things, however, don’t become important or Big News in the Mainstream Media until THEY do it. Then it’s something nobody had ever done. Like Christopher Columbus “discovering” an America from the people who already owned it, here they go AGAIN…acting like a Big Fat Ass is something new because it’s stuck on Kim Kardashian’s hind quarters.

We’re playing a pretty screwed up game of cultural “star-bellied sneeches” with “stars upon thars” these days.

The more whiteISH we get, the more BLACKish they act. It’s amazing to see.

So be it …

Stop lights

Cotton gins

Heart surgery

Blood plasma for transfusions


Laundry presses

Peanut oils and products

Light bulbs

Refrigeration systems

Gas Masks

Shoe machines, etc etc etc






Big Lips

Fuller Noses

Foreign “slanty” and oval Eye shapes

Makeup Colors

Skin Tone and Complexion

Big Breasteses

Bigger Butts,

Clothing and shoe styles

Dances and drumlines

Musical stylings, etc etc etc and on and on …

The “world” -as it were- is finally paying backhanded compliments to Black people and Black women, not by giving Black Americans credit for what they do, are, and have by design, but by paying big fat ass terrific dollars to get for themselves what Black women are born with: Natural beauty, as given by nature.

You can take off the weave now, Black Ladies, and stop surgically reducing everything on your body in order to look culturally and genetically modified white (GMW) — and just get back to being yourselves as was intended by birthright.


It’s pretty obvious by now, or at least it should be: They wish they were you.


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