UI MEME OF THE DAY, a Daily Series …
Today’s meme is “In Memoriam“…
This is the time of year when Massa allows the slaves off the work plantations in order for them to give back more of their earnings to white-ruled America than they do the rest of the year, and to go visit their families and friends — wherever they may be.
It is the only time of the year in which they get excessively generous for all of 24 hours before they go back to being what they really are.
Although those amongst us who do not celebrate Christmas don’t spend the time or energy to “mess up” anyone else’s regalia, we do take a moment of silence in memory of the hatred and racism that brought this futility and frustration and brought about one of the singularly most “made up” seasons of the year – none of which celebrate the wholeness of the Black family and human kindness and true peace throughout the world except for the made-up one called Kwanzaa, which begins on December 26 of every year and continues through New Year’s Day of the following.
As you gather together, keep in mind that there are only a few LEGITIMATE spiritual or religious celebrations for Black people in the Diasporas, none of which involve this truly secular blue holiday that was wrapped in a red bow with a white Jesus tossed into a manger for religious effect.
Never forget…YOU are the Remnant of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
You are not a product made for retail “Santa Clauses” and tree worship or for allegories, stories or made-up lies about the Holy Birth of The One True Messiah, a circumstance that did not happen on December 25, or even in the month of December – period.
This is the Time of the Rise of The Chosen, not a time to engage in pagan and heretical rituals designed to engage and empower those who continually oppress and demean Black American citizens, or Judah’s remnant.
Once we all decide to walk together and gather in to the obedience to the Lord Most High and not to concede to paganism or bow down to rituals that are not in any way related to the Lord & Savior, then and only then will the portals will be opened for the Lord to return…with Judah leading the way back to right-standing in the world.
Nothing will happen before that time except what has happened in the past.
Lesson learned.
Ase, As Salaam Alaikum, Selah, Namaste, and Shalom.