UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series…
There is a “new” mental health disease floating around, except it’s really not new. Someone just finally decided to put a label on it and call it what it is.
It’s called Post Traumatic Slave Disorder, or “syndrome.”
It is real, and there is no argument about it or getting around it. It has been proven time and again. So many more Black people should be on mental health disability because of it, and Black people as a whole need to be demanding trillions in reparations because of it.
Black people, in fact, saved this nation, this “America,” from utter bumbling chaotic embarrassment, destruction, and despair by demanding their human, social, civic and global rights to be treated as equal humans.
This, in turn, caused America to grow and become industrialized and mechanized and forward-thinking as a progressive cause and concern for the whole world to see. We (our Black ancestors, that is) were the intestinal fortitude and leverage for American growth and global expansion and civilized thinking over barbaric behaviors coming from a pack of uncivilized Europeans, even though they were never given true credit for it.
Had they not demanded those rights, nothing would have changed … we get that.Â
Will a white person ever acknowledge that? Prolly not.
But let’s take a bite of a reality sandwich here:
Had it not been for Black people, Black American Citizens and their concerns and demands, this country would never have prospered according to the Abrahamic Covenant of our Forefathers, or any others, for that matter.
To look at some white people today, they wish it not happened and want things to go back to the way they were before our Black ancestors demanded that they act and be CIVILIZED human beings. The more Black people understand this and embrace it and behold it as truth, the less they will carry on with their lives as if they are still in slavery.
President Obama left that message with us, even if we can’t or don’t want to give him credit for much else. Fear is a bitch, and her mother’s name is “Run and Tell A White Man.”
Mr. President’s position right now is precarious because of the history he made; and if we, as a People, have more sense than we are acting like we do have right now, another Black President even better than Mr. Obama will be in the Oval Office within the next 20 years. Nuff said. I’m done.
Drops mic, dripping … something or other.
You know the drill.
MAKING BLACKS FEEL “SPECIAL”?: This is why you GOTTA wonder about ISIL and how it really came into existence, and what really happened to Saddam Hussein, not the “official” story, the REAL one.
Your answer?
If you were a REAL American Patriot, you would understand truth and justice, and just the fact that you lie and are shaded and jaded, and cause problems around the world like this, proves how Patriotic you really are not. It takes a real Patriot to tell the truth, shame the devil, and get to the actual non-supremacist business at hand.