UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series…
One time too many, Â Black people in America – over a 525+ year period of time – have been told to “get over” something.
Be it racism, injustice, lynchings and murders, white privilege, white supremacy, slavery in its context, reparations, Black history, loss of voting rights, continuous ridiculing at the hands of the biggest bastards on the planet, Black people should be sick and tired of hearing “get over it” by now.
Whites need to get over it.
They need to get over the fact that they do not own Black people any more, they need to get over the fact that their slaveholding ancestors do not owe Black people anything, they need to get over the fact that we are sick of hearing about all of their history and none of our own, and they need to get over the fact that Barack Obama got elected President of the United States in 2008 and re-elected in 2012.
They need to get over the fact that Black people no longer have to kowtow to them, serve them, cook their meals, clean up their nasty ass houses, wipe their shitty asses or the snotty noses of their insolent brat ass spoiled overrated children that they teach to be bigger racists than they are.
They need to get over thinking they are going to continue to “rule” America and just keep committing crimes against Black people and walking away from it like it’s no big deal. Payday is coming.
They need to get OVER the fact that they are no longer profiting from slavery and that what they have now, they did not earn rightfully or righteously. Our Black slave ancestors were the first to be traded on Wall Street, so America doesn’t have a g.d. thing that it didn’t get off the backs of Black people. We do not owe this nation, it owes US … BIG TIME.
They also need to get over the fact that there is no white Jesus, no white Santa Claus, and that Black people are becoming increasingly less interested in worshiping white gods and paying homage to whites on holidays meant to do nothing but enrich their sniveling whining asses.
They also need to get over the fact that Blacks are no longer bowing down tipping their hats to them, dipping at the knee, bending over kissing their asses, or jumping off the sidewalk every time they walk past us.
They need to get over the fact that, as American citizens, we reserve the right not to be terrorized, harassed, assaulted, abused, hitler-ized, or to consistently be the victims of their domestic violence, and then have to take the blame for something that is no one’s fault except their own.
No, White People Who Do Nasty Shit and then Blame Black People for your Mental Health Issues and the Practice of Your Religion of Racism.
You don’t own Black people any more, and making yourselves Black of face so that you can pretend you still do isn’t going to put things where you would obviously like them to be. You have a history of proving that you are so obsessed and fixated on Black people that you are emotionally incapable of living your own lives and acting as if you have a lick of damned sense in those empty little pissy-tailed heads of yours.
These kinds of whites need to accept responsibility for the shit they do in America that causes racial problems, and get over themselves.
Until they stop it, we don’t stop it. Ever.