UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series…
I’m not an atheist, everyone knows that.
I’m also not a Christian, Muslim/Islamist, Judaist, Shintoist, Jainist, Jehovah’s Witness, 7th Day Adventist, Mormon, Catholic, Buddhist, Krishnaist… not even ecumenical, interdenominational, nondenominational, none of it.
I do not believe in religions, only in the One and Only True Almighty Most High God of all gods and Heavenly Maker of all men. Period.
All religions are alike from what I’ve been able to see and hear of them; so if you pick one, you’ve nearly picked them all — except for the ones that say there are more “Gods” than One. That I’d never believe. Louis Farrakhan doesn’t even believe that.
There is no reason to swear allegiance to any of these religions, because even Christianity as we now know it is not in the originating form in which the Disciples in Jerusalem and Antioch, Greece brought it to the world.
God is not a respecter of persons, and Christ never told anyone to ascribe to a religious order or sect, or to be divided and conquered based on the doctrines of man, let alone the belief systems of white supremacy.
He was born of a tribal order in Judah in Israel, and He taught in a temple, or synagogue rather, that had passed along Mosaic Law as traditional teachings. He was a Hebrew man by birth and what we now refer to as a “Jew,” but He never told anyone that Judaism was a religion to be installed and worshiped in His stead. Man made all that up, every bit of it.
However…that said:
When you have people running around talking about “white Jesus’s” and “white Santa Clauses,” and using the name of the Lord and Lord God Most High to endorse forced unpaid labor, starving poor people to death, denying them proper medical care, to endorse white supremacy as “truth,” and to endorse lying, cheating, stealing, and swindling and then using somebody named “Jesus” to back it all up, it gives even the staunchest believer room for pause about just what they believe in, where they got it from, and why they even bother.
I get it. These types provide a convincing argument for atheism on the part of Black people, as shown by the graphic depiction in this Meme of the Day on the cover. Convincing, yes;Â but still not good enough.
I’m not so convinced that a Big Brained Man who can build a Hotel Dubai and say it calls for genius and lots of planning and thought and visualizing, can simultaneously say that this planet Earth just popped itself up from out of nowhere and everything “somewhat magically” fell into place, Big Bang, just like that.
We’re talking about a tremendously huge planet that can snap the world’s tallest building in two like a toothpick in our teeth; or drop 10,000 tons of steel to the ground with one tremendous shake of the Earth’s belly; or swallow up ships like and larger than “Titanic” and spit them out like it just had lunch, and yet the Earth itself, with no planning, no forethought at all, just appeared from out of a few dust swirls in the cosmos over billions of years. It just was.
We build superhuman tiny crap that looks GINORMOUS to us, but which can fall down in a breath of wind. Yet, some of us believe that the whole world and all of the galaxies, stars and universes just “appeared” from some Big Noise. No planning, no thought, just POOF – Big Bang and there it was. Wow. That’s even spookier, this atheist belief system, than believing in God.
But it’s not hard, given the “white Jesus principle” to become an atheist. They make it easy for those who don’t know they are lying.
I’m also not so convinced that there is or was ever a “white Jesus” even though there was a Man who walked this Earth who was known as The Christ, the Messiah (some referred to Him as The Son (or Sun) of God), who ultimately “bumped heads,” so to speak, with the very non-fictional Caesar Augustus in Rome.
If a European pagan godless god named Caesar was in Rome commenting on the Man from the North and East who called Himself The Son of the Living God, let’s take it for what  it’s worth that he (Caesar) wasn’t talking about a figment of his imagination, especially since everyone else around him saw The Man at the same time. According to historians, Christ, the Messiah, the Living Son of God, was no “Ghost,” Holy or otherwise, when He lived on this Earth. The Holy Spirit came later.
Yes, they called Him a “Only a Prophet,” even back then.
Yet, He is the one and only Prophet who died and afterward came back to tell everyone what happened while He was deceased. Or at least that’s how the story was transcribed later, whether we choose to believe it or not.
Yeah, yeah … Lazarus was resurrected from the dead, too, the allegories and stories tell us … but there was no scriptural indication that Lazarus remembered that he had died, or that he had fallen permanently ‘asleep’ for a moment. Besides, Lazarus had to die all over again – if that story is taken as true- and from that he never returned again, at least not to our knowledge.
But that wasn’t the case with the Most High, He who lived to tell us about Death and Hell and to tell us that we have to fear it, or the enemy’s threats against us, no more.
This Savior, He was, by no means whatsoever, a white man. His distant cousin, Haile Selassie, born some hundreds of thousands of years later, wasn’t even a white man.
Tell the Story the way it originated out of your own people in ancient Persia and Mesopotamia, in Jerusalem and Israel, and was turned over and spread about the world via Antioch, Greece – home of the first mixed-race people of the world, having appeared some 200,000 years later. The stories of the Bible are far more than 6 or 7,000 years old – more like a quarter of a million years before a white face was seen on Earth.
The stories of the ancients are NOT the way some white Romans, with a made-up character named “Jesus,” twisted it.
It was not the story of their people to begin with, and to top all that off, if Christ’s “race” was so unimportant to them, they’d not have changed a Black man into a white one, nor into a Roman Catholic Italian-looking sumbol and idol, in the first place.
They’d have left Him as He was — in Black and olive-complected Judah, in Israel, in Persia and in Mesopotamia, along with His Black brothers and cousins, aunts, cousins, nephews and nieces … right where He belonged.
OWN YOUR WORLD HISTORY, Black folk — not just a western ‘slave story’ that was the smaller piece of a larger picture.
Just do it.
Your children are counting on YOU to tell the truth about the True Messiah and the Lord & Savior, and bring shame to the devil and that “white racist Roman Catholic Italian Jesus” that rules over them and their kind.