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UIMD: America the Hypocritical, Part 1 | Urban Intellectuals

UIMD: America the Hypocritical, Part 1

by | Nov 30, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily series …

There isn’t much to add to this meme except to say that maybe a very white America is reminded all too often of the reason their asses are even alive every time they see a Black woman’s breasts.

Raising Lazy White Women's babies


When Justin Timberlake ripped Janet Jackson’s top off during that infamous Superbowl debacle that was no one’s fault except his own, SHE (Janet) got blamed for it. However, when Madonna threw tits, ass, coochie pop, and every body part she owned all over stage and screen and tossed herself out to the world as the biggest Ho alive, they thought it was “cute” and said she’s just being a “typical young girl” growing up and becoming a woman.

Yeah right.


Black woman breastfeeding

Black woman v white woman Black man v white man

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