UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series…
Theoretically, this Dark Age was an Era of “darkness” attributed not only to the input of the forces of Christianity coming out of the Middle East/Northern Africa, which some say contributed to the Fall of the Roman Empire, but also attributed to an age of ‘darkness’ as it relates to the way the lack of widespread knowledge of empirical science had not made its way into the mainstream of the Roman Empire.
All knowledge was thought to come only through the most holiest and the most well-schooled and trained, the aristocracy of the ages.
It was not believed that anyone else was capable of learning and knowledge, and therefore much by way of knowledge, information and holy scriptures was “hidden” from the mainstream society. The people (the proletariats or lower class citizens) were intentionally kept in the dark by the richest and holiest and most well-trained.
The United States of America is not at all far removed by its own admission from this theoretical Romanspeak about how only the best and brightest in society, based on family breed and economic inheritance, should be presumed to lord it over everyone else they encounter.
The reason they give themselves these titles is mostly because anyone and every one else that they encounter in life, if they are not rich LIKE them, are automatically presumed dumb and unprincipled based on their poverty-stricken status alone.
The society under which many of us live and have lived is now, just as Rome was then, dead wrong in its assessment of who is educated enough and rich enough to “lord it over” anyone.
The current world that we live in, if nothing else, is proof enough that the “rich” aren’t as smart as they think everyone assumes they are.
Time has proven them wrong, and eternally wrong at that.
If the Romans, and the pseudo-Romans of this westernized civilization, were all that smart, they’d have figured out a long time ago that poverty is man-made and thus, man is capable of ending what they started.
Poor people have self-redeeming unadulterated clarity when it comes to that truth. The poor are much smarter than most of them will ever be given credit for and we have all got to stop being afraid of these misleading mistaught aristocracies in society. The thing we fear the most is the thing that will happen the fastest.
What these Roman followers in today’s society do was never God’s intent, and their use of some kind of Roman god or gods of superstition, and some kind of Roman-inspired hedonism and sarcasm to prove it is God’s intent will only lead to what it has led to before: This society’s decline, and it’s ultimate fall.
Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it. Over and over and over and OVER…
If we are not enlightened as to anything else in this world, our eyes -which they believe are held in darkness- are wide open to that.
Halloween is the Day of Dead … Listen Up.