UI Meme of the Day, a daily series…
The Republican government, the GOP, is always advocating for “small government.”
What this means is that they want LESS government regulations for THEM, in order to set them up to siphon money from taxpayers into their private pockets; and more laws and taxing entities for YOU so that you cannot take back what is yours.
The converse, or reverse of that, is that they want MORE money for themselves, and LESS money for you … every single nickel-and-dime you earn. Their philosophy is that you don’t have a clue what to do with your own money.
This attitude comes from America’s original set up to profit from the old slavery “Black tax” penal and judicial system that built the Cornerstone of the United States. They are accustomed to taking from you to benefit themselves, and other Black folks in power are given their piddle-change to help them do it.
Shirley Chisholm, one of the first Black women in the history of America to run for President of the United States –God rest her– said she was “Unbought and Unbossed” when it came to Washington insider politics. If it was true for her, just be aware in all elections that it isn’t true of most Blacks who end up with political power. It is almost never true of their white Republican friends.
They are consistently bought and bossed, especially by the Republican Party. Far too many of them are DINOs (Democrats In Name Only).
As they pillage the government out of house and home on YOUR dime, while using the taxpayers for personal ATM machines, they also make sure their own taxes are adjusted DOWN-ward accordingly.
You pay 28-32% of your small income and they pay no more than 15% of the LARGE income that they JUST TOOK FROM YOU, Mr and Ms Big Government Taxpayer.
What this means, in restrospect, is that there has been a “revolving door effing” going on for some time that is keeping most Americans, boatloads and shiploads of Black Americans, in the Economic and Situational Poor House for more than 100 years.
And don’t be not a whit surprised upon discovering that many, too many, of those government officials who tax the CROOK out of you, have a vested or ownership interest in those private companies that also raise your gas and petro prices, your food and clothing prices, your housing prices and taxes, and your utility costs, your bank and institutional fees, AND raise your income taxes at the same time while stipulating that you get  NO raises at work and NO healthcare benefits if they can possibly stop it from happening.
They are quadruple-dipping and always have.
And they will continue to do so until we stop it.
That is something that not even white America has the power to do without us having a grip on what is ours. How’s that? Why is that? We are this nation’s BIGGEST CLASS OF ECONOMIC CONSUMERS and  Spenders, that’s why.
Our spending power is worth more because we have less debt, and we have less debt because our credit us always being turned down for one reason or another (who cares, really?). Having bad credit doesn’t stop you from having whatever you want, because cash ALWAYS works.
You with your 0 fluid cash on hand and who owns everything in your house that you did not charge on credit is worth more than that guy over there with his .
5 million-in-debt house who is squeezing and pumping every dime back to the “powers” just to keep up appearances. He may be asset-rich, but he is cash-poor and that’s not good when the market is down and the house won’t sell at one-third what he or she got in debt for. In the meantime, you may look poor, but you have more than THEY do because you have cash and are NOT in idle cash-draining debt.
That said, Black people are the only REAL Boston Tea Party in America–
Highly taxed, over-taxed, Black-taxed and overspent from the very beginning, and with little to nearly ZERO government representation in D.C. or any of the United States, even when it comes to the representative figurehead power of the CBC (Congressional Black Caucus).
We are the ones we are waiting for. November 4, 2014 or earlier, if you can: ROCK THE VOTE (www.rockthevote.com).
Move the Tea and their GOP friendlies out of Congress, whip the Democrats into shape and tell them they work for us, not the other way around. They will all soon be “unbought and unbossed” on our watch, because …
The only thing the States are ever “United” on when it comes to Black people is opposing and stealing from us.