Today’s “Meme” is not really a Meme.
This is a Public Service Announcement (psa) about a very serious situation that we need to draw our attention -our hearts, souls, and minds – to as Black citizens of the United Prison States of America.
They say we can’t “prove” that the United States judicial and court services are recreating slavery on the backs of our young Black girls and boys on our watch.
As they use the lower-income Black communities to scapegoat in the media while finding other ways and more means to siphon money and resources out of them, and consistently pipe drugs, alcohol, and weapons of mass destruction into them (as if unhealthy GMO foods, death-inducing drugs and school shots/vaccines, deregulated cheap China-made shoes, clothing made in countries where there are no laws about safety and health, nasty restaurants and unsanitary grocery stores, dirty neighborhoods, unclean water, unsafe policies and terrorist police, and using the “hood” for a literal dumping ground isn’t bad enough)…
Now this, too …
Elementary Genocide: “From Primary to Penitentiary” exposes the socially engineered mechanism created by our government and utilizing the public school system to label elementary aged African American males as work for hire targets within the US penal system.
Many refuse to believe there is a corporate attack on the minds and productivity of Black youth through intercepting their educational, economical and social development, and resulting in statistically funneling them through the revolving doors of the criminal justice system. Elementary Genocide confirms this theory and seeks to educate parents, teachers and families, so that we can reclaim our young men and ensure the future of our community.
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