UI Meme of the Day, a daily series…
The continent of Africa and its ‘middle eastern’ (i.e., Northern African) partition -as mandated by Europeans- has been raided, looted, raped, ravaged, and pillaged for at least the past 500 or more years.
For a continent that was doing just fine before anything from Caucasus/Europe got there, it most certainly is a devastated and violated, violent land mass now.
And for what? Endless mineral wealth and earthly resources for which the world would be nothing but a hunk of starving junk without this one single continent.
But instead of enriching the Continent in order to be enriched, along with a righteous understanding of the laws of reciprocity … and rather than displaying gratefulness and humility, the Eurasian world has turned on the Motherland like a vicious hungry pack of ravenous wolves and dogs that bites the benefactor’s hand, and then chews it off.
Yet and still, this Continent rests in the central heart of a circular and cyclical world that sways and spins, tilts and rotates at the same time.
But like an earthquake that appears on the East coast and then shortly afterward on the West coast, in a stilted whirly yo-yo string of a revolutionary cosmic continuum, all is interconnected and tightly woven together. In other words…
What rocked one way has got to roll the other — all in due season.