UI Meme of the Day, a daily series…
Black women – always the womb, the wet nurse, the “belly” as Dr. Ameena Ali of the Bellies of Grracee (“grace”) Foundation would put it – of the world.
We know that every time a child wants to go to default and blame someone else for all their issues in life, even for their own bad choices – the person to be picked on the most is the one that they can hurt the worst; and the one to whom they have the easiest access.
The Black woman, therefore, as the original and only Mother of All Earth (“Mae”), the chosen “Goddess” of God Himself, has always carried the necessary burden of everyone else’s woes, even the white women whose babies they nursed to health when they could not, or refused to, do it themselves.
They called her Jezebel after raping a virgin; then they called her a beast or an animal while she fed their children with her own breast milk — therefore lowering their own children to the status of an animal or beast.
If you believed in an EVE, she -the Black woman- is the one.
And carry and bear those woes she does — feeling and sensing as if no one is at fault except her for her desire to even have a child or children of her own.
There is a lack of appreciation, even an undertone of ungratefulness, often coming from some children to their parents, which is never justified under any circumstances whatsoever.
Get the order and protocol correct, children, sons and daughters:
It is your mother, yes that Black woman, who gave YOU life, not the other way around.
She can be the meanest “blankety-blank-blank” on the planet, and she’s still the only one who could have gotten you here safely and gotten you grown and off on your own, in spite of any mistakes made in the meantime.
You, child, did not come with instructions, and neither does -or will- your own children, should you have any.
GET GRATEFUL if she forgets your birthday sometimes, or can’t give you a gift. Her own birthday belongs to her mother, not to you.
The gift of a lifetime is that you are here and breathing and alive and maybe even a LITTLE Pharrell-like “Happy”, if you will, when it didn’t have to happen at all.
Indeed, you would not have a birthday if not for her. That includes you, Tracy Morgan.
Instant Replay: The Legacy of a Nation, Joshua Generation Network – Guest Host, Dr Ameena Ali, The Bellies of Grracee Foundation