UI Meme of the Day, a daily series…
America’s post-Antebellum bloodstains won’t be washed out by a few cheaply laid out trinket government programs and some hat-in-hand backstroking social assimilation statuses. That has never worked out for us, and it never will.
The stains on this nation won’t ever go away and the answer is simple, logically sustained: There was never any substantial national-level closure that would make the past the past once and for all.
The story of the federalist 40 acres and a mule, I know you’ve heard of it, goes like this:
The government-installed Freedmen’s Bureau (the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1872) provided assistance in the south and to DC-ans to newly-freed slaves and impoverished whites (the ones who had lost their paid overseer-plus-more jobs on the plantations). Those southern states included the 13 prison colonies, if you will, that are forever and always the CHIEF CORNERSTONEÂ of this mostly non-tribal, but very clannish (Klannish?) nation. That’s right, Wall Street USA only exists because it used the capitalization of gains made during slavery to build upon.
The challenge of the Union troops was to establish not just freedom, but racial equality for the masses of freed slaves. Ultimately, one of the goals of the Bureau was the orders to compensate those four million who survived for the losses they had incurred and that which their ancestors had suffered for nearly 400 years. It was supposed to last even into this time, some 150-odd years later. That plan and program is now infamously known as the “40 acres and a mule” program.
But, skipping far ahead (you can read the fabulous details of the Freedmen’s Bureau at the links above) those goals did not come to complete fruition and manifestation for the descendants of the slaves.
The Bureau shut its doors in 1872 -a mere seven years later- and essentially told the “free niggers” that they may want to be just glad about being alive for another 24 hours, if they make it. Seven years wasn’t a long time to make up for more than 380. But they were told that that is what their so-called freedom bought them and that’s all they were going to get.
The fact that we are still here some 150 years later translates into BIG TIME individualism, and a lot of unrecognized ingenuity, talent, and hard work for us. But we most certainly did not get here only because of some bread crumbs wiped off the grazing tables of “white American generosity.” And it was most definitely not the kind of generosity that makes us Black folk owe America anything, as someone else put it, “but an ass-whipping.”
That mission of the Bureau to empower the slaves to get on with their lives was estopped in its tracks and never judicially finished. It is still hanging in the shadows of America’s treacherous government to this very day.
There has been no redemptive “equalization” to speak of, never in the history of this nation.
There have been some latent attempts at it, but nothing in that “individualism” stipulation  that stopped the race-mongering madness that wreaked havoc on the lives of millions of Black Americans. Some would like to say we are getting our reparations in the form of welfare, but they were getting totally UNEARNED welfare before we were. What is that supposed to mean, exactly?
Our slave ancestors were never fully U.S. citizens then, and we are not fully U.S. citizens now. The U.S. that is US is not universally equal to this moment in time.
Racism has been at the front and back door of even the multitudes of talent and work that we have put into this nation — not as free men and women with equal opportunity — but only as it behooved and benefited capitalist whites to do so. Listen to even a billionaire like Michael Joseph Jackson talk about his own experience with it in the music industry.
The mission of the Unionist cavalry after slavery was to free the slaves and take down the antebellum structures of its history in order to purge its own sins, to relieve its own conscience — to get a JOB done — not to actually equalize the slaves.
Eventually the slaves and their descendants were told that the government owed them nothing else but their freedom, and it cut them down and cut them off. However…
That’s not what happened to the white overseers who were put out of work.
They not only were rolled out in a mule’s wagon that belonged to our ancestors to the “other side of town” and as far away from the free “niggers” as they could get, but they were given some semblance of equal status by and through welfare (of which they are still the majority of ‘takers’ now).
The Bug-out Plan, I call it, for whites didn’t make them rich, per se, but it gave their white skin a leg up ‘above and beyond’ the reach of a Black man and his family.
It gave them free access and free reign to many things in housing starts and education and other work opportunities that our ancestors did not have access to without a demand and a fight. And even AFTER the fight — it was DELIMITED ACCESS.
For those who say “Black freedom would have happened ANYWAY, even without a Civil Rights Movement,” I say POWER CONCEDES NOTHING WITHOUT A DEMAND.” Often, that demand is spelled out in blood.
Question is “Is it worth it to you”?
The freed slaves and their descendants paid a ‘Black Tax’ off that newly compensated income they received in whatever form they received it, be it sharecropping, et al. It even uplifted some of them to the status of having to pay taxes for white entitlement to welfare that their own poorer class Black relatives could not get at the time.
Be Glad You Are Alive and Free, Nigger
In Carole Emberton’s book “Beyond Redemption: Race, Violence, and the American South After the Civil War,” The University of Chicago Press Books (©2013), she stated and I quote her words from Charles Royster “It was to be a redemptive war, a transformation of society–a sacrifice like Christ’s full of blessings and ordained by God.”
What slaves and descendants of slaves actually GOT, coming out of that post-war period was not redemptive, by God or anyone else. It did nothing more than transform this society into one that would have to rely on itself rather than on slave labor, to get by. The slaves and their children got politically sanctioned unadulterated violence and “Black codes” that have not ended in some of the most extreme factions of today’s American society.
Today, if you enter most of the deep and shallow American south, you can still visualize the mules of more than a century ago hauling whites off the plantations and into Americanized comfort zones, and Blacks who were left behind and whose great-great-great-grandchildren are still there.
Emberton writes “When a Northern journalist overheard a group of white southerners who were watching the procession of an Alabama chain gang proclaim ‘That’s the beauty of freedom! That’s what free niggers come to…”
What they “come to” is forced physical coercion “in case the niggers got TOO free.” Really, wtf was “too” free. Too free to BE free?
They were circumstantially removed from the whip and chain to the whip and chain “from a different perspective,” a place pre-manufactured to keep them in their place and make certain that they understood they would NEVER be equal to whites no matter what level of assimilated equality they managed to eek out for their individualistic selves. PERIOD.
There is also “back story” to be flushed out, the stuff our slave and descendants of slaves ancestors took to their graves. The stuff they never told us or what remnants of it that is left to be discovered. Even the rapper NAS discovered, with the help of Professor Henry Louis ‘Skip’ Gates, the sale papers of his ancestors, and that is a thing to behold in and of itself.
That is the disconnect, and it had to have come rushing in like a flood on his head.
The very thing hat he thought, like we all did, was “over and done with” became a tightly-related sealed reality for him. It wasn’t that long ago, these “things,” so the connection, that “thing” that seemed to have disappeared for a time, has surely come to THE Light like Everything done in the dark eventually will…
Things like discovering George Washington Carver, one of the most prolific Black scientists that the world has ever known, was castrated at the hands of his post-Reconstruction era “owners” (white benefactors) to keep him from having sex with their precious lily-white daughter. That is one of those things that only come out when you squeak it out of people one piece at a time and breathe life back into what was once thought to be a deceased truth.
That said …
There is no really well-thought out well-put together plan to redeem Black Americans with slave ancestry from the unending vice-grip of the post-Reconstruction Era.
The call for “individualism,” we do that quite well because we are still here–even after all that. But that isn’t the real problem here.
The REAL problem comes in when we are told to “forget the past,” when no one else who has received reparations has been told the same.
Jew-ISh people got reparations from America for NO reason. America had done nothing wrong to them, had even spent millions of our tax dollars to rescue them from Germany, so this makes no sense whatsoever unless this country can be found at the helm, driving Hitler’s hands. Truth told, even that would be no surprise to US – none whatsoever.
This isn’t about “white guilt,” this is about America finally having its “come to Jesus” moment with the reality of it all.
Our ancestors worked like they were lower than dogs even after slavery, and ultimately paid income taxes for lazy whites who sat down on our ancestor’s plantation equity.
They got welfare at our expense, coming straight out of the true Gates of Hell that did not prevail; not the other way around. Then they dared have the unmitigated gall to challenge us on the equalization of OUR poor to theirs. In court, no less.
Welfare was no giveaway for Black people. We had to FIGHT for that, too. There were hundreds of thousands of actual legal processes in America that eventually said “the Black and poor must be treated the same as the white and poor.”
That was when, and not a second before, that welfare became a “bad thing.”
Something dark and insidious … It’s just horrible, MeeMaw and PawPaw, that these LAZY UPPITY NIGGERS won’t work and have the nerve to think we should pay for them to sit on their asses and do nothing. That mentality really even explains the bad attitudes of the current Republican faction of the “Tea Party” who still think they are entitled to something their OWN ancestors did not earn.
Do nothing was exactly what these slaves were going to do, thanks to the “Black Codes” that came about quickly afterward and dared them to even think in terms of being equal citizens in America. As Chief Justice Roger B. Taney of the Dred Scott decision put it, “The Black man has no rights a white man is bound to respect.”
That has remained true, in the eyes of their descendants, to this very day. Those who did nothing then are still living off Blacks who work now, and they have the nerve enough to call the Black President a “food stamp” president, but only as it pertains to entitlement for blacks — they are never ever talking about their own kin.
For those who are paying attention RIGHT NOW, we know the inside and out of the school to prison pipelines, the plantations that have been brought back to life and “reconstituted” in America’s jail cells and prisons, we know of the race of the majority of those slaves’ descendants who are still being given life sentences and other disturbing over-bloated treatment for even the most minor and petty soft crimes.
We know of those still being jailed and imprisoned long-term on racial innnuendos with NO EVIDENCE to back it up (Marissa Alexander of Jacksonville FL, and the late Troy Davis of Savannah, GA); and the ongoing overlooking of the rape and degradation and murder of Black women around America. We know the inner workings of the jailed and imprisoned who are turned into modern day slaves for the continued profiteering of white corporate America — entities owned by those who have never wanted to work a day in their lives for what we earned for them. We are still, to this day, watching the blood of our children spilled on the sidewalks in these Klannish empires and ALEC-backed institutions across America that never ended.
Either we’re going to take a stand for something this time, or choose to stay in the same never-ending cycle of falling for anything. It is up to US, not them.
The histrionic lynchings around the country (most recently Ferguson, MO AND Sanford, FL for example), and the slavery (the school to prison pipelines and the usurious underpinnings of corporate America using slave labor in the jails and prisons to continue making themselves rich), not even the Black Codes of their hideous post-slavery social order never ended. Not for our Black constituency that was most assuredly LEFT BEHIND.
They, WE, are still paying the “black tax” to this day, no matter where we go or what we do. It is having a monumental and everlasting national impact on the bottom line of the Black community at-large, even those who seem to have “made it.”
So before you toot your nose up in the air and say “It has nothing to do with me. I’m free and I am a Black American with an education, a car, a job, and plenty of money so they should be able to do it too” … keep this in mind: Phillip and Sharon will never be separated from Pookie and Shay, (Po’shay) no matter how far into the suburbs Pharon moves their Black-ISH arsses. It’s not even possible, so they may as well come on around the corner and get this butt-whipping that’s coming when Obama is gone in 2016.
I was “Shay” and I came up out of that mess by my own industry, individualism, and hard work, and after all of that, I STILL ended up losing it all in the poisonous industry of capitalist racism in America.
If you haven’t known that before, take a long hard deep look at your current 44th President of the United States. Not even all of that international background, Harvard education, suburban class, African history, standard corporate professionalism, and the sanctimonious whitewashing of his history as an African-American without slave ancestors stopped him from being “niggerized” in the minds of those who had the reigns of this country on lock-down and have had it since 1872 and before.
Even the great presidential he could not surpass the Soul Patrol’s “One Day You’re Gonna Get That Sudden Negro Wakeup Call” in America, so my oh my, where the hell does that leave the REST of us?
President Obama can’t SAY he is for reparations, but he sure set you up so YOU can say it, and PROVE IT. Top to bottom, side to side, inside and out, through and through. He can’t have reparations, his Black ancestors were never slaves in America…but…
He will be gone on with his life in 2016 and he will be taking his wife and daughters, and anyone else he wants to take, with him. Maybe I won’t be too old or messed up by then to call on his people for a job in the Presidential Library in Hawaii. (*ZOING!*)
Obama is set for life; and if you are willing to make the call -make that DEMAND for reparations- right now, soon, within the next 24 months at maximum — then so are you.
If we don’t do it, America is already set on a ticking time bomb that will self-implode and fall like the Roman Empire. It has enemies without, and it has MADE for itself, enemies within.