UI Meme of the Day, a daily series…
There’s not much of anything left here to be said. Entirely speaks for itself.
Next time someone says something about “black people on welfare,” understand that too many of us Black folk are still living in a post-Reconstruction Era America that was never properly redeemed and made legally whole. (This is where you’re allowed to get the Cliff’s Notes or Sparknotes and cheat…)
Next time someone says something about “taxes,” tell them Black people really shouldn’t be paying them because it isn’t like this country doesn’t owe us 40 ACRES and several mules. But we do it anyway, we pay our taxes and WE don’t bitch and complain about doing our patriotic duty to a country that circumstantially shows no allegiance to us what- so- ever. Even when they set up wars and rumors of wars, Black people have paid an OVER-ABUNDANCE of homage to a country that spits on us and our children and our futures.
Next time someone says something about “entitlement instead of working,” tell them to point you to the companies that are paying at least $20 or MORE an hour plus benefits to keep up with TODAY’s times, not the ‘Times of 1964’. If they aren’t hiring, AND PAYING, they really need to stfu.
Next time someone says something about “socialism” or “Marxism,” tell them if they had a better plan, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. At all.
Next time someone says something about “pulling yourselves up by your own bootstraps,” tell them if they hadn’t stolen the ones they are wearing, they wouldn’t have any either.
We Black folk are the only true American “Black Tax” Tea Party.
Black-taxed, overworked, AND under-represented — in Congress and everywhere else.