UIMD: The Thing You Fear the Most…

by | Oct 4, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series…

As the saying goes, the thing you dread and fear the most … .

For whatever reason, the ‘cosmos’ and the universe is set to respond inherently to your deepest desires or your most dreaded fears, including outright cowardice.

The thing you fear the most is the very thing that will come upon you the fastest. The more you try to stop it, the faster it will come. The more racist coward-mongering police shoot at and kill Black men, the more will emerge and overtake them — and it will happen even faster than it would if they left things alone.

Fear will pursue like a mad dog running after a staunch and steadfast enemy. You will have spent a lifetime running instead of living.



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