UIMD: The Less Taxes They Pay, The Bigger Your Bill

by | Oct 3, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series…

For the longest, too long, the Republican Party has advocated for “smaller government.”

What we’ve come to discover is that what they mean by smaller government is smaller government for them, more government and laws for you; and more of your tax money should go to them even though they demand to pay less of a percentage in taxes. It was never about job creation, it was about turning unlimited power over to them.

Once you have boatloads of money and never have to worry about your bills being paid from day to day, power is the only thing left to attain. It was NEVER about money, they already had it all as a result of the hard unpaid labor of hundreds of millions of slaves. It was all about POWER, and lots of it.

The part they leave out: If it wasn’t for the government, THIS government, they wouldn’t be where they are right now.

If they want less government and taxes, tell them to stay the hell off our roads, don’t use our traffic lights or stop signs, don’t go to our public parks, stay off that taxpayer-paid property called the “Government Center,” don’t ask the judges or the policemen for shit, and quit running for PUBLIC office.

OUR government is better off without them.

To tell the truth, Black Americans are the only ones in the nation who need to be forming a “Tea Party“: We’ve been overworked, over-taxed and under-and non-represented since the day this country was incorporated.



Who Let the Dogs In

Who Let the Dogs In

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