UI Meme of the Day, a daily series…
The Black American family needs healing on so many  levels:
The inherent treachery of Africa to sell off their own brothers and sisters into slavery;
The aftermath of the trans-Atlantic slave passage that is still a festering wound on America, as it should be;
The aftermath of post-slavery where Black people were threatened with something akin to “become white or die”;
The repercussions of our own incredibly lackadaisical attitudes when it comes to controlling our own conversations across political and media lines;
The self-implosion and retaliatory spirit that comes about as a result of American/westernized oppressive behaviors;
Our rights as American citizens being shoved at us as “leftovers” and then taken away because it isn’t working out the way the ruling majority thinks it should – in their favor, as always;
The trust factor that has gone far too far to the wayside because we go for the little okey-dokeys instead of the BIG PICTURE;
Our children killing and being killed;
Our mothers and daughters and sisters being raped and ridiculed;
Our women “going at each other” over a man and vice-versa;
The belief that money makes a person more or less important than another;
The need to run behind spiritual and secular personalities and turn them into idols of deep desire…and the list goes on and on. And on.
Awhile (some years ago) back, severely cop-brutalized (and now deceased) Rodney King of Los Angeles, CA asked what many of us thought was a pretty dumb question at the time: “Can’t we all just get along?”
Well? Can We, Black America?