UIMD: If You Think Police are Here to Protect You…

by | Sep 21, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series…

Sounds kind of iffy, right? I mean, all cops aren’t BAD cops.

Some of you have relatives on the police force and sometimes, a cop just can’t catch a break from the controversy, whether he’s shooting unarmed Black men for fun and games or crashing into some Dunkin Donuts and getting  put on Internet High Speed Blast, just for the clichè alone.


Seriously, it’s hard not to imagine that a lot of these cops are Klansmembers who watch waaaayyyy too much TV themselves.

Whether they think they are John Wayne, Chuck [Rifleman] Connors, The Schwarzenator, one of Chuck Norris’ ‘bad ass’ caricatures, Clint “Dirty Harry Go Ahead Make My Day Chair Meme Guy” Eastwood, or some “savior of the white human race” like Superman, Batman, or the Incredible Yuk … all of their actions, especially since President Barack Obama’s election in 2008, are easily put side by side with the image they often have of themselves as “Mighty Whitey.”

Mightie Whitey

Mighty Whitie

In their treacherous minds, SOME whites are bad, but EVERY YOUNG BLACK MAN THEY SEE, doing wrong or not doing anything at all, is downright Evil Incarnate. It isn’t what so many Black males are doing (or NOT DOING) more than it is how they have been taught to see things through those White Vision Goggles.

One has to wonder if they watch so much of this “race stuff” put out in the airwaves (Charles Manson and Stormfront included) that their imagination is getting the best of them. Maybe they need to be on a couch getting psychological counseling instead of on the streets with loaded weapons.



Let’s face it.

MOST of the police in the USA are not doing this “ratchet” stuff, as we like to say; but it’s the ones who ARE causing the problems who are making headline news, so it’s just as easy to stereotype them as it is for them to stereotype us. If they are going to act like terrorists, they need to be treated like terrorists.

That said … no, the police were never put here for OUR protection. They aren’t the “schoolyard Officer Friendlies” that we’ve been taught they are.

They have a Klannish mentality and corrupt history that dates back to their lone ranger Samuel Colt slave-hunting ‘posse on the Ponderosa’ days, and even Black cops can’t always be trusted because they’ve been trained to be just as Klannish or risk getting a zip gun run up their own butts.



Meme of the Day

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