UI Meme of the Day, a daily series…
We often hear the term: OLIGARCHS, or oligarchy. Let’s define it.
Dictionary.com says…
oligarchy  [ol-i-gahr-kee]
1. a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons orÂ
in a dominant class or clique; government by the few.Â
2. a state or organization so ruled.Â
3. the persons or class so ruling.
 Back when then-Senator Barack Obama, D. Il, was running for President, there was a video that ‘went viral’ on the Internet regarding a comment his Republican opponent, John McCain, made about the wars in Iraq and Afganistan.
He was asked if there was a timetable for transitioning control of the country back to its rightful people and for phasing Americans out, especially since Bush had said years before that the “Mission” was “Accomplished.” (not)
His answer set off an infuriating mess of blogs, news articles, YouTube videos, and other social media –and the only people who didn’t seem to be righteously inflamed were … well, you know… the usual suspects.
He said, paraphrased, that he didn’t care if America was at war in Iraq for another 100 years, or longer.
Of course it was “fine with him”; but it was the wrong answer, Johnny-boy.
It ain’t YOUR children dying in these wars. Send your own for the next hundred years, not ours.
A 100-year (PLUS) war against some people who didn’t do anything to America and had no business being caught up in the middle of these small terror-torial “star wars” was not an option, especially with an angry American public that claimed it had been bamboozled into an illicit uncalled-for war (again) in the first place.
The only thing left for us to be certain of is that …