UI Meme of the Day, A Daily Series…
The Meme of the Day is actually a Video.
Today is, or was, Veteran’s Day …
This is a day amongst many many others, including Memorial Day, to remember that our Black American ancestors put their necks on the line out of loyalty for a country that would just as easily lynch them just because it was legal to do so.
And they would have, literally and figurative, gotten away with murder. They still do.
On the other hand, keep in mind that if it wasn’t for your Black American ancestors, you would not have the freedoms or liberties that you do now.
This is a news story that came out of the airwaves: Obviously angered that the opposing team’s Black football player had scored a touchdown and that their team was getting their asses kicked because he was danged good at his job, they decided to call the Black ballplayer the “usual n-word” and take it out on all the Black folks. The Black folks at the game decided to address it, whatever way they addressed it, and the pack of whites screamed back at them “WE SET YOU PEOPLE FREE!” or words to that effect.
Uhm. No they did not set anyone free. Their white less-than-civil warmongering ancestors didn’t even set any Black people “free.”
If these ravenous wolves were acknowledging Black folks’ “freedoms,” they sure picked a slutty way to do it.
They would never have set their rubber lips up to call that Black ball player a “nigger,” let alone invoked some bullshit about “freedom” as if they did not know those Black folks were never free of the continual harassment, the abuse, or even the terrorist attacks inflicted upon them everywhere they go, no matter what they do.
Take note of the real historical facts: Lincoln didn’t set those slaves free, not out of good consciousness, and certainly not because he gave a rat’s ass what happened to them. Lincoln set them free because his half-rican “Abraham Africanus” Black Ethiopian mother-hiding arss had to live up to a promise that he had made to the Black soldiers when the Union armies were losing the Civil War.
Had it not been for those Black Union soldiers, America would not have its 13 colonies (prison states, as it were) intact with the rest of the nation.
It was, in fact, the fighting spirit of Black soldiers, Black men willing to pay the ultimate price for their own freedom, the freedom of their wives, children and kin, who kept this country together at a time when Lincoln’s men were losing the Civil War to the Confederacy.
In keeping his promise to THOSE particular Black soldiers, Lincoln also had to free their wives and families. it just so happened around that time that “every Black person was some kin” to everyone else. They all had bloodlines tracing back to infinity and even if they didn’t, there was no way of being able to verify the truth about who was related and who was not.
We can’t say Lincoln wasn’t a slave-endorsing backhanded President just like all the others, we can say he was a man of his word — thus the Emancipation Proclamation.
Hear this and hear it well; set the record straight and untwist: The little bit of freedom you do have, Black folk, you’d never have gotten if your Black African-related ancestors had not done what THEY did.
Had it not been for them, the white slavers and overseers would have been able to prove that the slaves were “happy as all get-out” living on those plantations and being slaves. Their attitude was, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
America would never have progressed or advanced where it is today without that “old money” that your Black ancestors, male and female, earned for them, or without those Black mothers who fed, birthed and nurtured the cornerstone of an entire Nation when they could have killed them all and took their chances.
America would not have been where it is now had it not been for your ancestors, Folk, building it up from its Eastern shoreline to the western shores off the coast of Hawaii, “sea to emeffing shining sea.”
Black folk in America would never have attained freedom had it been left up to those “nigger screamers” at that football game. Damned near don’t have any now.

Woman soldier United States Army Remembering Shoshana Johnson
Black America has some semblance of some kind of “civil liberties” without equal opportunity included because of the Black soldiers and a small hand full of educated intelligent whites who knew it was wrong to hold men and women and children in captivity like that in the first place.
Yes, a bunch of Black men, and their “liberal” white friends with a gut conscience were responsible for ending slavery and not one racist white person who would ever use the word “nigger” (at least in public), had a hand in it.
If their kind had their druthers, it’s pretty danged obvious that they would still have Black folks in chains working for free to this day … they are close enough to it now, as it is.
You owe them nothing, Black America. They owe YOU.
Remembering Shoshana Johnson, the Black American woman and United States soldier who was called a “fraud” and punished for being captured as a military prisoner of war while her white counterpart, Jessica Lynch was rewarded for the same.
Jessica Lynch’s “rescue” story, as it turned out, was the only real fraud that happened.
Lynch got 100-percent disability though she was not as badly injured as Johnson (whom they tried to slough off at a mere 40-percent TEMPORARY disability) … until the public got wind of it and raised HOLY HAYELL.