UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series …
Black America, you’ve been had.
Over and over and over again … and now we have this rape news about Bill Cosby going on that is now being called an “OJ Effect” when it’s actually more like a “RayJ Effect.”
The past brought us this day, a re-hashing of the “Negro Effect” in America, the old new color line impact, thank you W.E.B. DuBois.
The last time we all had this conversation about whether or not something is REALLY racist, Black people stood down and let it progress and advance into a more sophisticated form, the one we are looking at now when nothing but ignorance about facts brings that to the table.
Someone used the words “Some Black folk are not trying to end white supremacy, they are trying to IMPROVE THEIR POSITION IN IT.”
It doesn’t get any more truthful than that.
And we all know who those “some Black folk” are, including the great Mr. William “Bill” Cosby himself, who has leveraged racial innuendos against other Black people while screwing white women who have now accused him of rape when it appears, for all seen, told and heard, that they were trying to screw their way to the top of the Hollywood Pack and it didn’t quite work out for them as they desired.
Karma is a bitch, Mr. C.
The same-o, same-o is recycling itself once again, and ONCE AGAIN white supremacists and the racially privileged amongst them are controlling the conversation.
Without a doubt, within another 50 years, probably less, you are going to see this again.
Take a mental note that this “I’m not a racist” nation is hammering things into place to make certain that the United States remains dis-united and never sees another BLACK President under any circumstances, not even a Puppet Black President such as the one a Dr. Ben Carson or Herman Cain type would end up being.
Racism will never end in America.
And the sad part is that too many Black people in America are playing a solid role in allowing it to continue, including Dr. “Bill” Cosby himself.
Too many of us have become comfortable with the status quo of racist activity, and some amongst us are even being paid to help keep it alive because … well … because it DOES pay. Big time.
Anthony Anderson
Tracy Morgan
Chris Rock
Bill Cosby
Joseph C. Phillips
Clarence Thomas
…and all others of their ilk and type, both known and unknown, the RayJ’s, the OJ’s, and the “No-Jay Simpsons” alike.
These types of Black people (not just the celebs, but the unknowns who support it, as well) keep falling for the same old supremacist BS.
That gives it just enough rope to re-invent itself and re-emerge as something altogether different than what it actually looks like, and just enough of it to hang themselves with in the end.
Someone also said that this is a direct result of “Black brainwashing” due to the causative agent called “christianity” or church-going Black Bible-thumpers who are too weak and too compliant and complacent to do what actually needs to be done to stop racist actions in America.
Well, I doubt it seriously … because I have read the Bible from cover to cover, as well as history and political books, biographies, autobiographies. and everything else I could get my hands on to read. If I could be the man on the Twilight Zone episode who was left in a destroyed world with nothing but time on his hand and books – thousands of them, to read, I’d be happy as a kitten balled up in a fuzzy plush cushion. (Only, I’d keep a few spare pairs of glasses around, you know …just in case…)
I doubt it because I’ve been to church, at one time I referred to myself as a Christian – whatever that is these days; and I have never been that weak or compliant in my entire life except for a slight moment where I learned never to do that again. The Bible I read taught me how to be a fighter for RIGHTEOUSNESS, and right-standing, not a rolled over wussed up lame-ass sellout money grubbing coddled misunderstanding misinterpreting country preacher who only causes more confusion and can’t tell the left cheek from the right one, or the face cheeks from the butt cheeks — let alone which “other cheek” side to turn.
The bottom line here is: You been bamboozled, Black folk. Again.
White people never get around to doing what they tell other people to do. Ever. Things like accepting responsibility for their OWN role in the continuation of racism after all these centuries.
Nor do they or will they ever get around to admitting that NOTHING is as hard as they keep trying to make it seem it is. Black folk go through loops and hoops and jump steps that white folks make easy for themselves because they think it’s all about them anyway. That, too, is highly white and privileged.
If we never get around to unraveling or untwisting the racist tentacles wrapped around all of us that are causing more confusion, and plain foolishness and ignorance on all sides, then all that compliance and complacency is going to do is kill us all slap dead.
You, yes you, you’re looking at it right now. It’s happening. Connect the dots, or the bread crumbs.
There’s no excuse for not knowing this time and pretending like things aren’t what they are. Bill Cosby is seeing what he himself helped caused, a bunch of white women accusing him of rape when, by all evidence seen and heard so far, they were far from being raped.
Yet, the uncanny twist in all of this is that if he actually opens his mouth and tries to use ‘racism’ as leverage to justify himself – then he has fallen into the trap that he set for others who have been in the same position. He put a lot of Black folk down when he squawked that their “African naming systems” are the cause of their problems in life. He not only misunderstood the situation, but he stereotyped it instead of bowing and scraping at the knee like an Uncle Remus character while trying to explain it to his white constituents, or “child brides” at the time.
It will position Cosby, if he DARE to say it, to be nothing more than a Clarence Thomas caricature, a Black man [who isn’t Black, along with Raven Symone and all of their kind] who yelped about racism and political “lynching” ONLY when it benefited HIM to do so.
Yes people…c’mon!
It is MOST DEFINITELY racism that is bearing final witness on a dying and self-imploding nation that based itself on the Roman Empire and is now going down the same path as their inheritance.
There is no cure, inevitably, for snake bite except to extract snake venom for the antidote. It’s not that hard, but if you ever figure it out, use it well; it will serve you in the days and years to come, and go. As another Brotha often says “Truth has come to you.”
Or if you prefer, for those who prefer to watch TV rather than [Washington] D.C. – “May The Force be with you.”
Any person who drugs a person to have sex is a rapist.
They drugged themselves by being willing to “party” with a married man, knowing they had no business there without his wife present.
Women have got to learn to take responsibility for their own choices. Rape is not prostituting yourself and going into a hotel room or brothel with a married man with the unstated intent to screw him by your own actions, rape is being totally taken off guard, unwillingly and without any prior ‘consent’ and forced to do something you didn’t come there to do in the first place. They weren’t drugged when they got there, they should not have been drugged before they left. What did you drink, shoot, snort, or swallow, and why?
I’ve never spent time with a married OR UNMARRIED man in a hotel room doing shots and taking drugs. When I was raped, I was blindsided, beaten, and did not see it coming: AT ALL. I wasn’t drinking or drugging, I wasn’t teasing anyone or playing around, I wasn’t expecting it, there weren’t even any men in the room AT ALL until a so-called ‘friend’ lured me in there and they appeared from out of nowhere and started beating me.
No don’t mean [ NO ] when you are teasing people and volunteering to go into dark, dank, hidden places doing things you know you have no business doing.
As bad as it sounds, plenty of women DO lie horrendously about being raped, which makes it WORSE on women and girls who really are raped. We have yet to understand how Cosby raped women who were being buck-pumped by a bunch of different white males at the same time, pandering in a place known worldwide as a place for prostitutes to do their business transactions, and get money and favors in Hollywood in return.
Cosby paid them for their services, and just because they didn’t get everything they wanted was no reason to lie about being “raped” 30 years later. Nor was it reason to move any cases from OUTSIDE to INSIDE the statute of limitations just to accommodate his Black skin, ESPECIALLY since no evidence was ever found and still doesn’t exist to this day.
That was a Trump act of revenge on Cosby for calling him an idiot, because Trump was screwing them same broads for the same reasons as Cosby. #whiteskinwinsagain