UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series…
Now this is the reason why Black folks need to stop getting all up in arms when white folks do racist shit. Let ’em have it. Tell ’em to go right ahead.
When we say “white” people, the ones we speak of know who they are, just like when they say “Black people” there’s no way in hell they are talking about all of us.
We need to let them do and say anything they please, because they are exposing ONLY themselves. They need to come out from under those cockroach dens they’ve been hiding in since the 1970s trying to pretend as if they are not racist and Black people are the cause of all the problems. We knew they were there all along, pretending as if they were doing nothing wrong and then hiding under “color of law” to get away with it.
Patrick Irvine, Leader Extraordinaire, says social responsibility should trump individual responsibility, and indeed, there is no individual anything without a collective whole. They tell us to take responsibility for what we do, yet they do not take responsibility for that which was instigated and installed by themselves.
Those who expose themselves have finally come up from those dank cockroach dens in ways that we would never have been able to imagine nor would we have expected them to fall in social order and ‘rank-and-file’ like this had “the Black man” not gotten elected President. His presence in office was a help to us in more ways than we can even begin to imagine, now and forevermore.
They can and have now exposed themselves for the whole world to see in all of their wondrous racist greedy devious netherworld glory. Now, the entire planet the world over knows that when we were trying to tell them what really gives in this country with these racists, we weren’t lying, nor were we EVER paranoid about it.
Since the inception of this nation, white people have painted themselves out to the world as trumpeted all-hallowed “glory glory hallelujah” battle hymn of the republic, and as the all-righteous sanctified saints and shining light of the globe when nothing could be farther from the truth.
The Bible teaches us that a day would come when all of this would be exposed, but boy we’d never have believed that it was coming like this.
They say that Black people raise all of the “thugs,” and “criminals” and “drug addicts,” and yet somehow Black people have never had the means, the mode, or the methods of creating arms, weapons of mass destruction, or even pipelining drugs and alcohol or biological diseases into America in order to wipe out entire races of people; but their demonic plans have backfired on them exceedingly bad.
Simply put, this is a fight they do not win. Doesn’t matter if you read a Bible or not, this white supremacist game is called on account of Former and Latter Rains.
Our ancestors came here, taught to kill only for protection and survival, but these murderous Europeans who despised the Law and the Prophets of Ancient Days taught Black people to kill for inhumane bloodsport. There is no “survival of the fittest,” that isn’t even the way the world was created to operate from Day One. That was a man-made demon-inspired lie. There is such a thing as a white thug and a Black victim, so trust that and know it well. You will see it again.
But just the fact that these damned hypocrites and planet bastards try to hide their addictive behaviors behind a veil and shroud of psychoanalytical sympathy while simultaneously throwing Black people out into the public eye as “the real problem” in America is a hideous and ghastly ruse that was meant to be exposed and labeled for what it really is.
It was never us that was causing these real “problems.” They started it and we are the only ones who can end it for ourselves since we are responsible for one thing and one thing only: Buying into the damned lies in the first place.
The Conclusion of the Matter
9Â Not only was the Teacher wise, but he also imparted knowledge to the people. He pondered and searched out and set in order many proverbs. 10Â The Teacher searched to find just the right words, and what he wrote was upright and true.
11 The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails—given by one shepherd.[b] 12 Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them.
Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.