The media is having an absolute sh*t strom this morning after it’s been announced that the new Pres, Donald Trump, has elected to put Stephen Bannon as Chief White House Strategist. Basically that’s right up near the top of the pecking order.
And yes, this is absolutely nasty, horrible and really bad for the country, for race-relations but should we give a damn? Does it really change a damn thing, wasn’t this already AmeriKKK before Trump even got to that position, before the head of a news company that bragged about being the voice for the ALT-right found his way into the Oval office?
Shaun King, activist and outspoken journalist for the NY Daily News really thinks we should be worried. He wrote:
Yeah, I’m dead serious.
No, it’s not a stretch in the least bit.
This is not a conspiracy theory. It’s not about what might happen. It’s already a done deal. Let me explain.
Just weeks before Stephen Bannon was tapped to become the new CEO of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign last month, he bragged to Sarah Posner of Mother Jones that Breitbart News, the media company he has led for years, “is the platform for the alt-right.”
Yes, that’s alarming.
He goes onto write:
The new CEO of Donald Trump’s campaign, Stephen Bannon, openly admitted to leading the online platform for the alt-right movement. Ben Shapiro, a lifelong conservative who worked for Breitbart for years before resigning in disgust recently wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post entitled “The Breitbart Alt-Right Just Took Over the GOP” and said it was “shot through with racism and anti-Semitism.”
Basically this man seems vile, he seems like he’ll clamber his way to the top no matter what. he advocates againt things many of us seem as oppression (just read a few Breitbart headlines such as How To Make Women Happy: Uninvent The Washing Machine And The Pill and you begin to get the picture of the publication in general!
Anyway, back on point. Will this make any difference to black lives, black daily grind, the oppression, the brutality, the racism step by step.
My thoughts?….
Immediately, probably not, however, this long game means that the kids are the ones we need to be thinking about. Right now, it seems that kids are pretty open, in general. I mean millenials are overwhelming blue and while that’s not necc good, it’s better than openly supporting racism. BUT with influential media figures aligning with the ALT-right kids will be exposed to more and more dumbf*ck racism.
For this reason, I think we all have to fight for the long game, really try and rally against and push against hatred, even if it seems futile and it seems that hatred was always there.
What do you think?