Trump Administration: Blaming It On Obama…and The Rain

by | Apr 26, 2017 | Opinion | 0 comments

It wasn’t shocking to see Ivanka Trump get administratively boo’d at a Women’s Symposium for women’s rights, especially since she stated that her father is a “champion for women’s issues” (300 million eyerolls x2 = 600 million total eyeballs rolling); and indeed, the record has shown that he definitely has issues with women, plenty of them that he championed and even caused.

Considering that he really champions only HER female issues and MAKES issues for other women, the fact that Ivantrump lives in an alternative universe apart from real Earth women who can’t always run home to daddy and cry every time they have a perceived or real problem, I’m certain it was a well-justified auditory auditorium “Boo!-ing.

As we look over the lifespan of Trump’s nearly 97 horrific days in office …and counting… whilst sitting his fat red racist fart ass in President Obama’s seat, it occurs to many of us that our shocking denial that President Obama is no longer president is pretty similar to the fact that the Trump Administration seems to blame nearly all -if not all- of their own flops, faults, failures and shortcomings on anything and everyone except themselves.

The entire tRump administration seems to have a problem with accepting responsibility for their own errors in judgment, and with accepting fault for their own bad habits when it comes to the way they handle the press and even one another. Someone duly noted on Facebook that the insiders have gone “Papa Doc Duvalier” quiet recently, but no matter what they try to shush and shut down from the inside, their track record speaks for itself. #epicfailures

In 96 days, Trump has not accomplished anything that America should, could, or would be proud of, and even if he does manage to get ‘Trumpcare’ passed as an act of ungratefulness to the American people who are now paying for him to sit his fake gold satin fanny on golf courses nationwide — he is still promising that it will pass on as the worst disaster of his decidedly ‘low-hanging fruit’ reign of terror in America.

Someone said, “He [Trump] has managed to embarrass the hell out of America in less than 100 days, may the next 100 see him disgraced and walking out the door.” And we add to that, “In handcuffs, where he belongs.”

For someone who has swapped spit with Bill Cosby and some other named and unnamed females and famous folks, and Cosby would have made a far better president since we are now allowing and endorsing sexual predators to run the nation and our politics, he sure has women’s “issues” championed right in the palm of his urine-caked pussy-grabber hands, ‘Miz IT’.

But that’s YOUR baby daddy and his billion-dollar welfare checks, not ours.


Blaming It On The Rain

Trump loss on banning sanctuary cities, “Opponents are judge-shopping!”
Angry Trump adviser blames “fake news” and storms out of university panel after only five questions.

It appears that every time little Bratboy Trump cannot have his whining way, everybody is for sale but himself, says he.

Considering that he was in the throes of filing a 5th, some say 6th, bankruptcy and had to do what all of his kind do, find some government welfare tax subsidy program for rich guys in order to keep his fledgling private businesses from going underwater … it appears to the naked and discerning eye that he is the ONLY one who is FOR SALE.

He went “president shopping” and found himself a Trump Estates ka-ching! in the American taxpayers, who will now not only be subsidizing his private businesses and offshore bank accounts, but will also be paying for all of his weekly million-dollar vacations, flights to his personal and private companies and all over the world doing what he does–nothing; and also paying for every dime his entire family spends on vacations and private entities.

As he is doing this, President “Blame it on the rain” is also reducing corporate taxes to 15-percent, meaning Joe and Joanna Tendollaranhour are going to have to pay more taxes to make up the difference, the very thing President Obama was righteously trying to end; and this … we’re not only going to rob your asses blind, but we’re going to protect ourselves from being criminally prosecuted for doing it.

To top all that off, Mr and Mrs Tendollaranhour America, you are going to work your ingenius asses off until the day you die for no other reason than making the rich richer; and as long as Trump and his cronies are running this nation, you have no other options or choices that are going to keep it from happening.

But you can’t blame him back, you did it to yourselves – slack-assing on the job of making sure his kind don’t run the nation, WHILE President Obama was in office and warning you NOT TO DO IT. You were so busy helping racist Republicans and disgruntled Democrats “Obama-blame” that you missed every point he made to save your asses, and then, to top that off, all we hear now when we ask “What did Trump do for Blah people” is crickets.


You are in fact a wage slave, people … and the Republican Party -who was driving the bus every time this nation ditched into economic chaos- are going to make certain you remain that way for life; either working just to make them rich, out here in so-called “Freedomland” and in prison and jail cells, or off of making sure they get enough gross profits off the insurance money to kill you dead.


Donald Trump blames you and everyone else whenever someone says “no” to him, and indeed, with all the things that SHOULD have happened to stop him from sitting in President Obama’s chair playing president, none of those things happened beforehand.

Truly, you, I, we, all of us … have no one to blame for this disaster and mockery and failure of a president except ourselves.

Black folks, get ready for an INCREASE in crime coming near you soon whenever Trump knocks all of your slacker ass and sick relatives off the welfare doles so he can get more welfare out of you for himself. Yes, they gotta eat and sleep, too, and will find a way to do it…even if it’s in your house, a prison cell, or even permanently in underground cover.

Those guns you bought when Trump got elected in order to protect yourselves against common socially compliant and violent racists?, if you can ever catch up and keep up with them…You will be using them on yourselves and your own. Again. As will the white folks on welfare and slave wages who will lose it all and blame YOUR Black ass for their own fuck-ups, as always.

Divide & Conquer.

That is the plan. That has always been the plan with Trump’s kith and kind, and America rolled over for it. Again.

You think he’s joking?

How many women did he coochie-blame for causing him to troll them for sexual favors while he was telling the world “you can do anything you want to women when you are a celebrity, even grab them by the pussy, and no one says or does anything”, or words to that same effect?

Stay tuned…


GOP protects pre-existing condition waiver with Trumpcare…for THEMSELVES.

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