We are now living in the information age and it is moving at the speed of light.
The latest statistics on the Internet airwaves, according to the U.S. Census Bureau:
In 1984, only eight percent of the American households had a computer at home; by 1997, that number had increased to 18-percent of American households using the Internet at home. By 2012, nearly 79-percent of American homes had a computer and nearly 75-percent of those were online.
The majority of people using the Internet in 2012 were between the ages of 25-34 and secondarily, between the ages of 35-44. Only a bit more than half the 65+ crowd (53-percent) are using the Internet at home.
More Asians use the Internet than white people, and more white people use it than Black people (at 68.2-percent). Hispanics are running a close fourth to Black Americans in at-home online usage.
Can we rightfully assume then, that it’s Asians between the ages of 25-34 who are driving the feed grain trough for “ratchet” celebrity news on the Internet? The kind we love to watch and promote and internalize by feeding into it and passing it around?
From Asia Trend Bulletin:
“Asia’s middle class population will grow from 512 million in 2009 to 3.2 billion in 2030, when it will comprise 66% of the global middle class population.” (World Economic Forum, 2013)
“No.” We can’t “rightfully assume” anything about what or who is the driving force behind all of this distracting time-wasting celebrity noise.
Since when did every move and breath a celebrity makes in this too-short and precious lifetime become a reason to go to the trouble, time, and the expense of making up a whole news story and headline every time the “stars” do something that has nothing to do with the world in which we currently live. Almost nothing that is reported on them makes a difference, has an impact on our daily lives, or even bears a reasonable “teachable moment” that we can all learn from holistically and thrive in our sojourn on Earth.
“Rihanna Tweets f*ck you to the NFL, Gets Fired on the Spot” – Naturally Moi, 9/17/2014 – 8:01 pm (OOOhhh, *shudder* I’m gonna die!)
“Ray Rice’s wife says firing has ruined her life” – Your Black World, 9/9/2014 (Now, MY life is ruined. Oh God!)
“Brangelina Dissing Gays” – SodaHead, 9/1/2014 (Well, if gays have a problem with “brangelina,” whatever that is, they have a problem with ME!)
“Former ‘Different World’ Actress Now Does Adult Films” – Naturally Moi, 8/31/2014 (But more importantly, inquiring minds want to know if Adult Films Do Her? Oooh, lala… right.)
“FOX News says Michelle Obama is Fat” – Your Black World, 8/13/2014 (Nearly everything on FOX News is fat. And ugly. They’d notice their own kind, wouldn’t they? It isn’t hard to imagine that Michelle Obama, the First Lady of the United States of America, gives a flying eff what FOX thinks of her and neither should we.)
“Woman Sued by Tyler Perry says he’s a fake Christian – ‘I felt bullied.'” – Your Black World, July 11, 2014 (And?)
“John Harris: Why Lebron going back to Cleveland ‘had to happen.'” – Your Black World, July 11, 2014 (Lebron is paying us -how much- to care which team he plays for? Seems like that would be between him and the folks who are paying him to play this sport.)
“Nomalanga: Why Sherry Shepherd Should Walk Away from the Test-Tube Baby” – Your Black World, July 11, 2014 (By the headline, it’s a wasted click to even bother going there to see why.)
“Allen Iverson retires with Less Money than a Five Year Old.” – Your Black World, July 11, 2014 (Question: Did he have a $50k a year blunt roller on staff? That might explain why his arss is broke. Whatever.)
“3 Reasons Why Iggy Azalea Calls Herself ‘slave master” – Your Black World, July 11, 2014 (Whodahayell or whadahayell is a Iggy Azalea?)
And last but not least, “OchoStinko: Chad Johnson is Stinking Up the CFL” – Your Black World, July 11, 2014
And that’s not the one-sixteenth of it all.
I love this idea: According to the bodyguards and escorts of Elvis Presley, when he saw something on television or the news that he didn’t like, he’d pull out his pistol and shoot out the tube, then proclaim “That’ll be enough of that shit.”
As Urban Intellectuals insider guru Patrick Irvine says “It’s time for a new reality.”
It’s also time for a ‘new reality’ about celebrity news and its proper positioning in our lives as Black Americans. It has no reality and no proper position for us. It’s value is “for entertainment only,” and not much else.
Yes, the time for true “Black unity” has come, and gone; and by all efforts seen, heard, and led, that time is not going to come back again.
Black America can no longer afford to close the door to today’s realities, as Irvine stated. But at the same time, we don’t forget our history and our past, we use it as leverage.
It should be “trendy with Black folks” to start up some definitive changes in our communities, and then be able to state the history of where the idea came from and why we need it now more than ever.
There is now no more time for “ratchet news,” “ratchet celebrities,” or any other kind of “ratchet” behavior that says dumb crap like “Black people are like THAT.” “Black women are like THAT.” “Black men are like THAT.” “YOU see how THEY act?”
White people are like THAT, too.
Black people are REACTIONARY, not the natural INSTIGATORS. Our ancestors have NEVER been the instigators, not by any history book known to the soul and heart of man at this current time.
Africans and Easterners in the ancient lands that we hail from killed for necessary survival and for food, not for racial superiority or to “own the world.” They weren’t trying to take over the world, the world was considered a Gift for all who sojourn upon it, not something to be taken for granted or used unwisely. That may explain why they adapted so well to the lighter-skinned foreigners in their lands — it wasn’t the skin color that was important, but “Halt who goes there? Friend or foe,” kind of thing.
WE don’t build bombs and WMD’s to go and take isht that don’t belong to us in order to use racism as leverage to capitalize on and then turn the people we stole from into SLAVES. Africans had slaves for a whole different reason than what ultimately happened in America, slavery was NEVER about race until Europe came along some 200,000 years AFTER Black/Brown people – civil and educated and uncivilized and wild – had already been on the Planet Earth for nearly a quarter of a million years.
They admit that they are a race of people only more or less than 7,000- 12,000 years on the Earth. Though they tried to make the entire history of the Earth all about them, turns out that was a lie, too. They admit that they came from “cave dwellers who wore animal skins and made their lives amongst the animals.” and likely from their ancestor, Lucy The Ape; which was also LABORIOUS centuries behind our ancestors who did not come from apes – let alone did they all dwell in caves. They were educated enough to have civilized these “ape-like cave dwellers” and allowed them to live amongst the planet’s original human beings.
And to top everything else, the Almighty “they” said that America was The Roman Empire and New York City was Rome itself. – John Lennon
So it is, so shall it remain and end the same.
They are no exception to any of the dumb crap they tend to want to label “black,” and none of this ‘white noise’ is going to heal us or move us forward.
As to the past, let’s deal honestly. The “past” is still going on now, it never ended. What was the Klan then is still the Klan now.
There is a faction of racists still hanging on to their racially superior past for dear life in this nation, and it’s logical enough to say they’re not going anywhere any time soon. We’re only just under 50 years from the Civil Rights Movement and I’m still young enough to remember Colored signs and not being allowed in certain neighborhoods, and even having to jump off the sidewalk into the streets when a white person walked past us on the way to anywhere.
Honestly: Eff ’em. They may not be going anywhere any time soon, but we certainly need to be dropping them off at the nearest outhouse or port-a-potty and saying GOODBYE, once and for all. Throw ’em out and lock the door once and for all.
For me, the greatest modern example we have of telling the racists to kiss our Black unowhats and moving on into our inheritance and destiny is President Barack H. Obama himself.
Nobody was telling him that he could NOT be President BECAUSE he was Black or because he had an “odd” name or because his daddy was born in Kenya or because he’s “half-Black and half-white” (Mulatto African-American) or because they keep trying to push his daddy’s birth certificate off as his own, and just because he doesn’t have the whole “Yankee doo-whop” experience. He didn’t let any of that outsider “ratchet noise” stop him or persuade him not to run, or not to pursue his dreams.
The last thing President Obama appeared to be worried about in 2007-2008 was somebody shooting him to keep him from becoming President. He wasn’t afraid, (or at least he told us he wasn’t scared), and his wife, First Lady Michelle, showed no fearful anguish whatsoever about letting him do exactly what he was destined to do.
Now Trending in Black America: We can make all the excuses we want about “white people doing this or that,” but whether you are a student of history, science, political science, religion, or a combination of all of the above, the bottom line is:
Black people around the world and in the USA are called to a higher purpose, a bigger inheritance and destiny that is unique amongst mankind.
We will end up being essential to where this world ends up in the long run.
The United States of America is destined to fall like the Roman Empire, and for those who like to indulge in ‘end times prophecy,’ America has no major or significant role in end times prophecy. I strongly believe, personally, that this nation is going to be long gone before it happens, or at least no longer in the state in which we see it now.
That is a given.
By all that is seen and heard as of late, America’s only prominence in world affairs is over-bloated arrogance, hatred, racism and violence and that is NOT humanely sustainable in the long run. It was “built for evil and destruction,” and so let it be done.
This is not our natural inheritance in the world. It will not last, and it was not meant to last. Therefore…Black America has no more time left to “do as the Romans do.”
This nation’s fate is its own and our ultimate spiritual destinies in the world are not all that intricately intertwined with the fate of America.
Trending Now:Â This place and time is only a ‘temporary sojourn’Â for Black people in America.
This, too, will pass.