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Trading In Our Crutches For Fishing Poles… The Food Stamp Dilemma | Urban Intellectuals

Trading In Our Crutches For Fishing Poles… The Food Stamp Dilemma

by | Sep 20, 2013 | Business | 0 comments

Okay my UI followers… I am angry. I am angry at the people who are crying and yelling foul over this whole food stamp fiasco. If you don’t already know by now the US government has cut the food stamp program by 40 billion dollars. People are now in an uproar and are cursing the name of Barrack Obama for it. People have latched on to this as a plight of the lower socioeconomic statused people in the US. Now normally I would be right alongside everyone else. However this is another case of people not reading the entire story. Yes they are about to cut food stamps… However the 40 billion that is being freed by this action is going to the nation’s “Pell Grant” programs across the nation. If you are not aware a Pell Grant is a government grant for a person who’s parents or they make an amount of money that keeps them from attending college. Pell Grants have been a solid means for the under privileged to attend universities that they would not be able to afford otherwise. I’m sorry but frankly I would rather have given a child the opportunity to attend college that to keep a mom or dad who refuses t work fed.

foodstamps1Now I’m not saying that there are not those people who desperately need food stamps… However the greater good is what’s valued here and can’t agree more. Stop giving out our left over fish and start giving these families poles to fish with. A college education is important in this new age of computers, social media, and networking. You cannot survive without at least some exposure to these things. Long gone are the days of being able to not have any education and surviving. If anything we would be teaching our children a lesson. “If mom and dad cannot provide for me… Then I have to make sure that I am taken care of somehow.” That is the lesson that us be taught and learned before it is too late. No one is going to give it to you. You must get it for yourself. If the only example they have to go on is “Mom and dad don’t work so that they can afford to feed me.” Then that’s what a child will live by and grow into. It’s a big step in breaking the cycle as far as I am concerned, and I welcome it.

It is almost funny to me how most of us scream “Education” and “Knowledge” when that’s exactly what we are being given. Look at some point you have to make sacrifices. That sacrifice was food stamps. It honestly is an archaic ay to take care of people and has not been used by other countries in hundreds of years. So the choice was a simple one. Old fish or fishing poles? I choose to do my own fishing, and I choose for my future sons and daughters to do the same. We spent too long living hand to mouth and have fought too hard for the right to be educated to simply let this crutch define who we are.

My mother was a proud woman who worked 3-4 different jobs at a time just to feed me and make sure I had all that I needed. She would have easily qualified for food stamps/ assistance. However she was a proud woman who would not accept help from anyone. She taught me through her actions that getting it yourself was the greatest feeling in the world. Although this way was the road less traveled. Your meals would taste better, the roof over your head would feel warmer, and you would have confidence in the fact that everything that you have is truly yours. Sorry if I’m not on this welfare band wagon that many of you have jumped on… But its reality. How do you feel about this? Would you see the Pell Grant program die? Or see the food stamp crutch kicked out from underneath us so that we can walk on our own? Or ay F it, and keep the current system going? Well I have obviously made my choice… What about you UI?


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