Yes, that is his real name, Tom Cotton. And apparently, only he and his friends know exactly in the hell where “Hell” is; and furthermore, they appear to be speaking as if they have the keys to its Front Gates.
Let’s lay a small but doggishly solid background for these “rot in hell”-calling evangelical types who invoke the name of Ronald Reagan in their evil deed-doing in America.
First of all, it has been proven beyond a redemptive fault that most of the alleged “terrorist Muslims” were racially and religiously profiled and rounded up, then shipped off to Guantanamo Bay (aka “Gitmo”)-[a Cuban naval base owned by the United Snakes of America], and they did it like one would expect an Adolf Hitler Nazi sympathizer to have rounded up those that he referred to as the “Rhineland Bastards” of Judah and all of their racially-mixed Jew-ISH European friends.
They were rounded up and imprisoned, Nazi concentration camp-style and without benefit of a trial, like white supremacists have in the past and are still rounding up Black and Latino men and women in America … and shoveling them off into the school to prison pipeline, or into jails and prisons where they are turned into economic slaves, and often ritualistically murdered in cold blood, often for no reason whatsoever.
If you hear a Tom Cotton say that the people in Gitmo can all “rot in hell,” you can rest assure that anyone who would honor Ronald Reagan is talking to Black and colored Americans in the concentration camps of the American prison justice systems, as well.
We would do well to separate “good whites” from “bad supremacists,” just like we would do well to separate “good Islamists” from “bad jihadists,” and “good cops” from “bad paddies,” but let’s suffice it to say that if they do not have enough of a soul not to lump good Muslims in with the evil ones, and then can use words like “they can all rot in hell,” then we would not be ‘totally out of line’ by any stretch of the imagination to say that the same thing applies to folks like Tom Cotton. It applies to him and to all of those like him who would co-sign such a wretched and mindless statement about Islamic people who were lumped into America’s “friendlier” concentration camp on Gitmo only on suspicion of ethnicity, skin color, and religious garb alone. Exactly like they racially profile Blacks in America is what they did to these Muslim and Islamic peoples.
It is no surprise to us that Tom “Arkansan ” Cotton should say this, as this kind of fail-speech comes from one of the most unimaginable bastardizations of the American promise that we’ve ever seen in the history of the United States. It is also well and good that this “Tom Cotton” also idolizes Ronald Reagan, one of the other most unimaginable bastards of the promises of the American Constitution.
These are also the same folks who, while practicing “smile in your face-stab you in the back” political wrangling, are the instruments behind bastardizing the Voting Rights Act of 1965 as outdated. They are also the same ones who will sing “all hail and all praises due” to a United States Constitution that is nearly 200 years older than the voting rights act. If one is outdated, then the other must be totally antiquated and deceased. A parent is always going to be older than its child.
Folks with the mentality of a “Tom Cotton,” when he says “There are too many empty beds” at Gitmo, and that more terrorists should be sent there in order to keep this country safe, he’s only talking about one of two things: Black and colored people in America, or about himself and his own kith and kin.
Take a guess who he is referring to when he says things like this. Don’t worry about what they SAY they said, pay more attention to their ACTIONS. Their actions make their words meaningless.
Believe people when they SHOW you who they are.
Their actions say that “Hell” is a made-up fictional place that they have put themselves into on this Earth.
Their actions also tell us that they mean to -by their every deed and action – force the rest of the world to join them there.
Romans 6:14Â “Sin shall not have dominion over you … for you are not under law but under grace…”