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Is It Time For A Black Oscars After Nominees Include Zero Nonwhite Actors For 2nd Year? I Think NO! | Urban Intellectuals

Is It Time For A Black Oscars After Nominees Include Zero Nonwhite Actors For 2nd Year? I Think NO!

by | Jan 15, 2016 | Celebrities, Culture, News, Opinion | 0 comments

Last year the Oscar’s had zero non-white actors nominated in the acting categories and guess what? Yep, this year it’s the same. So, last year’s #OscarsSoWhite hashtag will have to be used again along with the #OscarsStillSoWhite extension.

But a hashtag won’t do too much. The Academy is predominately a fat cat club of old rich men and despite attempts in recent years to diversify the membership things on the nomination part are not really getting any better.

Their hand maybe could be forced with rules and regulations, a quota for non-white nominees and such things. But, let’s face it why bother? The Oscar’s are an industry pat on the back. Bigwigs slapping each other’s buts.

Wouldn’t it be better to take matters into the hands of the under represented communities to create an Academy that specifically recognises such things?

Personally I think the answer is absolutely no!

The Oscar’s can and will likely change but it’s not where the focus should be.

The film industry isn’t made by the Oscars. It’s made by the sweat and tears of artists and they are already recognised through the world at many many prestigious film festivals. The focus should be in bringing up more and more artists to work in the industry from minority backgrounds. Giving grassroots help, backing programs and making the industry a direct representation of society.

Technology is playing a big part in the beginning of this. A kid with an imagination and some enthusiastic friends can shoot a movie on their cameraphone. The medium is now accessible even to the poor. It’s just the encouragement is needed.

On the flip side more recognition of major black actors and actresses will motivate but it won’t fix the issue.

I’d love to hear your opinion.


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