It’s Time For ANSWERS And REPARATIONS For Army Chemical Testing In Black Neighborhoods.

by | Aug 19, 2016 | Culture, Opinion | 0 comments

The U.S. Army conducted secret chemical testing in an impoverished St. Louis neighborhood during the height of the Cold War.

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This is confirmed! Exactly what they was testing has not and people want answers.

Many residents of the largely black poor neighborhood have been left wondering if the powdery substances that were blown from blowers and reportedly blown from rooftops and dropped from low flying planes is the cause of health woes such as premature death and lots of cancer!

In the mid 50s the residents were told that a smoke screen was being tested incase the Russians wanted to bomb a city, later it emerged that the material being sprayed was zinc cadmium sulfide, which a fine fluorescent powder.

Another explanation for the choice of area for the tests was that it mimiced Russian cities they may use checmicals on!

Some believe that radiation particles may have also been in the powder and that thee wee connections to the Manhatten project nuclear program.


Basically the issue is growing, senators are starting to ask for more details and answers, as well as further studies and explanations.

We NEED to find out what actually happened and why the poor mostly black area was picked. We have to find out if the powder caused deaths and cancer.

And of course reparations for survivors and family members of the deceased SHOULD be considered.

I would say “can you believe the U.S. army would do this?” BUT of course that’s silly, it’s not surprising!

Please read more, watch below, share this and don’t let it drift into silence: More on Yahoo News.

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