The evolution of this brother T.I. has been nothing short of sensational. He first burst on the scene over a decade ago with the song “Rubber Band Man” that featured hardcore hip hop lyrics glorifying the violence, fast money and women of the dope game, but today he is so much more.
In fact, he received flack from the producers of his reality television show, “T.I. and Tiny: The Family Hustle” when he decided to clean up his music, image and be more a positive, family oriented role model. He has made the statement that they didn’t really like that and preferred the unevolved T.I., which he no longer is.
Neverthelss, this brother has never let anything hold him down and it sure wasn’t going to be some producers of a television show. Therefore, his evolution has continued and is in a rather impressive place today. One that we, here at UI, can appreciate and want to share with you.
Speaking with the often ignorant and short sighted Don Lemon on CNN, T.I. adeptly puts into perspective the history of hip hops lyrics and some of the angry, frustration that comes from the lyrics. He says it comes from a place of experience and their circumstances.
“Our music, historically, has been a reflection of our circumstances. So if you don’t like our lyrics, you must then change the circumstances that inspire them.”
T.I. on CNN: “Our music, historically, has been a reflection of our circumstances. So if you don’t like our lyrics, you must then change the circumstances that inspire them.”
Posted by Revolt TV on Tuesday, April 28, 2015
SOUND OFF: Do you agree with T.I.’s breakdown on where the strong content of hip hop music comes from?