It is the consensus of many Black people all over the nation, or at least the ones I’ve talked to from the east and west coasts to the north and south of America, that integration was ‘the absolute worst thing’ that ever happened to Black people.
Keep those words in mind...happened TO Black people. White people were never the victims of integration. They were only the victims of their own evil and hateful nature, at the time that it was happening.
How’s that, you say?
We, our ancestors that is, came into these so-called “American freedoms” not fully and recognizably free, so one reason of many that Black people feel the way we do about America is because we have yet to fully experience the freedoms of being Black in America at 100-percent navigable waterways and capacity. But is that our fault? In a sense, it is; but in another sense, it’s not. We are not double-minded, we just understand that there is more than one way to tell a lie-and out of all those lies, truth will prevail, regardless.
We have come to understand that while it’s okay for this “nation of immigrants” to keep and hold to their own customs and traditions, every time Black people do the same, we are called “racist” and our efforts are openly sabotaged at every turn.
We cannot even have a “Black History Month” without white folks trying to say that it most assuredly entitles them to a “white history month” when we know that “white history” happens year-round, all day every day, non-stop, and ad nauseum.
We were taught our own history under “white history month” Â and white history year, and white history century…day in and day out, and with no knowledge whatsoever about Black history and who our people were before the usurpers of North America robbed, raped, murdered, pillaged, stole, and kidnapped our Middle Eastern and African early kinsmen as slaves in this hijacked nation, whilst using the words “They all look alike to us.”
However, God Bless Black America, in the hands of some more godly-minded white people who had no delusions that they WERE God, it’s also good (and very good I might add) that we also have some Black folk in our corner who attended and graduated from one of the nation’s many HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges & Universities).
Joan Gosier, an author, teacher and leader in Black America who spends her days and nights thinking of ways to make certain our babies and children do not lose that very important and vital piece of our History that is both very Black and highly American, asked me a vital question when I repeated to her what a guy had told me earlier about our overall feeling on the benefits of the ideologies and philosophies of “separate but equal”: “Equal to what?”
I held out for a moment, because the question was asked so confidently that I knew she already had an answer.
“Equal to what?” she asked again. No one had asked me that question before and because I’m always doing more than one thing at a time, with ten Windows going at once when I’m in conference, I said “Not sure what you mean.” I knew she wanted an answer out of me, but I needed her own answer quickly, so that I could ponder some more and reposition myself.
After all, she was talking to a Black woman who was educated in the DEEP south back when Black people weren’t supposed to have a history, weren’t allowed to think about it, and also to a Black woman who did not attend an HBCU so that I might see life from that perspective. I was taught nothing about Black people BY Black people except rote memory speeches with regard to “I Have a Dream,” like most of us were in the 1960s and ’70s, and even later.
The answer, or rather the way she put it, was as clear as a bell:Â WE didn’t have anything to be equal TO at that time.
We (our ancestors that is) were blue collar day and night laborers, hand-to-mouth workers, freshly off the plantations and the farms and up and coming into a more industrialized society that the ones before them had already freely built upward and outward at the time.
When white America was required by law to pay for the same slave labor they were unaccustomed to getting for free, they made it their business to pay as little as possible and as close to nothing at all as they could get without going to federal prison.
But there was nothing equal about the pay. At all. That still holds true to this very day.
That is true, I said, “there was nothing there at the time for us to be equal to,” meaning the doors of equality (separate but equal) would never have been opened without that integration. If we’re inclined to the absolute truth, no matter what happened back then, the doors and windows of ‘equal opportunity’ are still pretty much slammed shut in today’s America, affirmative action be-damned. Affirmative Action only worked for white women, anyway, for the most part.
To wit, radical ideas about separation weren’t a good idea back then, and even today – while there is no more need for the inequalities and inequities of assimilated integration – there is still no leaning too far to the left or right that will benefit us.
The only answer at the time was a temporary “fix,” and I got the glory of both sides of that argument.
I went to integrated schools in Denver and Detroit in the early to mid-sixties before going to a segregated one down south in the middle to late sixties, and then I had to go through re-integration in the early 1970’s as Brown V. Board (circa 1954), became “forced busing” in the south under federal mandate – seventeen years later.
Yes, Lord, it’s always good to have a “little sistah of faith-filled substance” with an education who went to a historically Black college in my corner. She was taught some things that I never heard when I was in her age range.
We, our generation of Black integrationists, that is, were only taught to be grateful to whites for the “chance” at equality and how to be race-apologists, something almost like President Obama was taught in his upbringing. The truth that came out of that lie is that we really had nothing to be grateful to white America for.
White America had never GIVEN us anything, period; not even “welfare” or “government assistance.” However, we were taught to believe that the very thing that our parents, grandparents, and great-greats had earned for us during their time was a “gift” of some kind.
Not. Never happened; and that’s the absolute truth.
So … Think it NOT robbery to demand reparations in this needful hour.
Nowadays, if you hear the words “best kept secret” about anything at all, it’s something Black people aren’t supposed to know about and hopefully will never find out.
If we find out about the advantages they gained because of this nation’s pro-slavery roots, we become the alleged “welfare-graded bunch,” but out of those lies comes the actual truth: The poorest amongst them received the welfare benefits that our ancestors earned for more than 350 years. And opportunities? Well, they’re still, for the most part, separate and unequal to this day.
The one takeaway lesson we should have learned by now: Integration, in America, was never supposed to be a permanent fix.
Now I understand what Little Sistah meant when she said “Black America is an 18-year old being kicked out of ‘the house’ with nothing, not even proper training and knowledge to survive,” let alone to thrive in, and this most recent onslaught of racism and sabotage has fallen out of the literal cockroach dens of America’s racist history even more since Obama was elected in 2008.
True dat, ‘we’ (our ancestors, that is) came in at an economic disadvantage.
True dat, we’re the only race of people in the nation who have had the “pulling up of your own bootstraps” philosophy thrown at us just because it was expedient for them to sit on us mentally when it was no longer legal to do it physically. But that is about the same as when Pharoah became angry at Moses over “let my people go,” and told the overseers not to even give the Hebrew people straw with which to make the bricks, while forcing them to work at the same rate of production without the tools they needed to do it.
I witnessed a similar (not same, but similar) applicable analogy of that kind of attitude in the recent past, in our times.
My older sister, who taught in the public school systems for 30 years and is recently retired, related a story about what happened at a certain Parent-Teacher Conference in Columbus, Georgia, when the “concerned citizens of South Columbus” finally woke up to a reality that many of them had overlooked for a long time. (Keep in mind that the integrated schools down south were slowly re-segregated on Ronald Reagan’s watch, but when Black children were asked by a Ledger-Enquirer news reporter how they felt about that, their only answer was “If they don’t want to go to school with us, we don’t want to go to school with them.”)
However, when the “up and coming” Black people in Muscogee County, Georgia, realized that their property taxes were going into a ‘pay-to-play’ taxation system that embellished white kids to attend schools with central air conditioning, newly advanced equipment, new gyms and lockers, all the latest in “bells’n’whistles” technology, and all kinds of goodies that predominantly Black schools did not have, an uproar spilled into the school district superintendant’s ears; and a demand for “separate but equal” restorative reparations had to be made.
“Why are our children going to school sloshing in mud and unpaved roads and trash, and being taught antiquated lessons out of old books and sitting in classrooms in hot tin can rental trailers while the white schools are buying stuff that we don’t get with our OWN money?!” Forget that we shouldn’t have been paying taxes in the first place, considering everything … but the jig was up.
Reparations done right, and a small town like Columbus, Georgia, led the pathway there.
Though I was “schooled” by Little Sistah on a better way to think about those years of integration in which so much that Black people owned and earned was turned into literal “dust” in the hands of a very white racist America, it is now easier to “Think it not robbery” on two counts about the following matters:
- Re-segregation is expedient at this time. A ball, or shall we say a TORCH, was dropped in the 1970s around the time that Martin Luther King Jr, and the entire Civil Rights Movement died out. Integration was really a good thing that smacked a bad taste in our mouths in the long term. I, myself, came of age during a time when the white and poor obtained the fruits of our ancestor’s labor. “Scooter and Pammy Sue”, Oligarch America’s redneck kissin’ kuzzins, lost their ancestral historical work as plantation and farm overseers. They took that ill-gotten gain and moved their kuntry kluckin’ kuzzins (think, in today’s terms, “Tea Party”) to nicer neighborhoods in homes and in the projects (one of those old-school “best kept secrets”). The projects were built for them, they only became something ‘evil’ when we gained access to them, but the trade-off was our own homes and land for that inner-city ghetto-topian access, which brings the “bad thing” about integration back to the front of the chart. With access to better and upgraded schools, the government-paid babysitters with our earned income, and with those better educational opportunities and access to jobs that we knew nothing about at the time (the other ‘best kept secrets’), many of our people soon realized that integration was the only thing that could have opened up our access to our own ancestor’s earnings. Integration is of no use to us now, but it is the only thing that truly “changed the way the game is played” in the past forty-six years. Now would be the time to leverage, not lose, that same history.
- The demand for reparations is expedient at this time, along with the nouveau segregation. The money in America’s tax coffers was always “earned income” for us, even when our ancestors [thus, ‘we’] were not allowed to experience the full benefits of the table that was set before us. Maybe it was “welfare” for them, but it was never welfare for us. We were doing “workfare” before there was such a thing as workfare, just the same that Black women didn’t have to fight for the “right to work,” we didn’t have a choice in the matter. Reparations didn’t need to happen because we were too lazy to get our own and pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps, it needed to happen because everyone was eating off our labor except us. No real demand for being “made whole” legally and economically has ever been made in this nation’s history; and it’s long overdue. They know it, and that is why they are killing themselves and threatening to kill us to stop it from happening. The ‘harakiri button’ has been pushed, and they pushed it themselves. Do or die.
Now is the accepted time to do what should have been done in the 1970s when we didn’t have the “luxury” of being equally separated. Today is the day of salvation.*
If you are not a believer in God, now would be the time for you to fall out and stop reading this little ‘diatribe’ of a blog article.
Now is the accepted time when we have come to know, as a race of people, that the Hebrew scrolls (the so-called “Bible”)-once misunderstood and mistranslated as ‘white christian oppression’-actually belonged to our own Middle Eastern and Persian ancestors; so…
Now is the accepted time when we most also acknowledge that the only white-skinned peoples these scriptures/scrolls referred to at the time were the Greeks and Assyrians (who, along with King Herod, were a mixed-race people themselves, often referred to as ‘Gentiles’); and that the only ‘true’ white-white people in the Bible were those of the self-mandated European conquests, in which white man set himself up as “gods” to the world; so …
Those people were the Romans, led by Caesar Augustus, of whom the Christ Himself ended up encountering them on His way to the crucifixion. That is where their own ancestral history picks up after they were removed from the Caucasus Mountains, and this is according to their own European science and history books.
We had no beginnings in Rome, our African/Eastern relatives were here 200,000 years before then–coming from the antiquities that dated all the way back to the Garden of Eden, and even before then in the Heavenly of Heavenlies; so …
Now is the time when we must recognize ourselves for who we really are, with no interference or “white noise” coming from the Greater Societal Thous.
Now is the accepted time when we really need to know and understand that the Lord God made absolutely certain that His Word about “our” People, about Judah and about Israel, that be us, was preserved for us to for this very time and moment in history.
He knew that we would see it again, and that we would need access back to our own ancestral roots in this land of “strangers and foreigners,” and at such a time when this nation and its sins and ill will against us, against Judah and Israel, will be put to a final rest in His hands. That is something over which we have no control.
The Hebrew scrolls that we read now are only in the American vernacular of English, and I’m glad to say that the Lord God knew that the majority of us would only know this language in this foreign land when the time came for us to be re-educated, restored, and prepared to lead the way home, Home.
Turns out we have had a Home all along, even when we believed that “Black people are the only people in the world who have no home. We are not accepted here, and we are not wanted over there (meaning in Africa),” our elders used to say.
Well, long story short, the Lord God has come again in this day and hour to fulfill all that He promised to our ancestral father, Abraham, and to the Hebrew people. He will do it; and they have no power to stop it from happening.
We now understand, or ‘innerstand’ as the young folks say these days, why the United States of America has a clock of punishment ticking against it, and a cloak and dagger of darkness thrown over it.
This nation’s treachery against Judah’s people and against Israel, notwithstanding the usurping of European-occupied territory in the “Holy Lands” and the oppression of its people over there, has not gone unnoticed or overlooked by God. Timing is everything, as we like to say. This is not the entire his-story of it, but the rest remains with Europe’s highly arrogant nature against God Himself.
They even had the unmitigated gall to represent themselves as “the gods” of this present world, and have now had the nerve to take away access to the literal waters of the mostly Black people living in places like Detroit, Michigan … as if God ever sent them a bill or an invoice for water that He gave to the world without fees or taxation.
If want to go even farther back than the most recent atrocity, it doesn’t even begin to speak to or explain the holocaust-like damage, including police brutality and racial hate-mongering that is ongoing against Black people in America now–even the racism they use to attack and sabotage the two-term President of the United States, Barack H. Obama Jr.
To be sure, the Lord put Obama in there as a ‘sign and a witness’ to us that this kind of thing will not continue; and Obama can’t control that. It is written, and it is done.
True, they do ‘beat up on’ and shoot and taser a hand full of not-so-lucid angry white people every now and again to make it look like it’s not as racist as we know it is, but the game is officially called. The jig, once again, is up–and for good this time.
In the meantime, faith without works is dead.
So ‘think it not robbery’ that we must remain vigilant and diligent of our own accord in this America until the Lord & Savior, Yeshua, rights the wrongs of His own Oppressive Enemy–Satan, whom we call “the devil.” When ye pray, act; but not out of mutual hatred, which is just as wrong; act in accordance to the will and desires and hopes of God for us, the Remnant of the Children of Israel.
That means that we must, in spirit and in truth, register ourselves, and vote evil-doing, and evil-doers, out of office in this land whilst we remain in it. If we do not do what we should do, we will keep getting what we’ve gotten in the past. The enemy will forthrightly see to that and it’s been more than 500 years that we’ve had opportunity to recognize it for what it is and move on in spite of it.
It is our obligation, our responsibility, and our duty as a race of people, and as a circumstantially ‘occupied race of people’ in America not to be ‘weak and discompassionate’ about what the groundwork laid before us.
We must follow through and be diligent workmen and stewards of that which was given to us from the beginning of time immortal. Money may be the ‘white man’s god’, as was told to Muhammad Ali during all of his trials and tribulations as the world’s greatest boxer, sportsman and champion, but it was never ours. Nor will this ever be, in earth or in heaven whilst we are on earth.
Yes, we can.
We can change the laws that govern us, we can teach the proper mindsets of different schools of thought to our children in the days and years to come; but only the Lord God can change hearts.
So let it be written, so let it be done. Selah.