The stories are true of thousands of accounts of brutal murders of our sons and daughters across the transom of American history.
It has been discovered, since the founding of Christopher Columbus -a brutish loutish-behaved white male with an inferiority complex- that everywhere around the world where Europeans have trod, they have decided that the only way for them to “conquer the world” is to rid it of colored and Black persons.
Columbus attempted to use the destruction of indigenous people as a way to “prove to the Queen” that he was worthy of being set free, for he was nothing more or less than a murderous criminal who was being shipped off to America to be imprisoned for life. For those who are not aware of it, the 13 original colonies of this incorporated country were not colonies; but were, in fact, prison states where the worst of the worst in England was sent to spend their lives in order to “clean up the country.”
Religious freedom had nothing to do with the founding of this nation as a corporate entity, and recently, an ilk of their denomination has even attempted to usurp the very identities of Black and indigenous persons on the Continent of Africa, as they did here in the Americas. That attempt to destroy the very fiber and knowledge of our existence as a People has not ended to this very day.
The scriptures of the Bible leaves no room for doubt whatsoever that nothing that originated out of Africa (Gondwanaland) was white-skinned from the outset. However, our separate and corporate journies have prolonged for more than five centuries now and we must re-take our history and our goodly trust from those who have attempted this wholesale worldwide theft of identities and the murders of our sons and daughters for no valid and excusable reason; and we must keep fighting for justice until it prevails.
Our ancestors who fought for the real meaning of “and justice for all,” and not the white supremacist’s version, would have us do no less. No, white people do not “love” their enemies, seldom if ever.
As a people, we must begin to understand that “loving” someone doesn’t necessarily mean lying down taking a literal and psychological beat-down off them from sunup to sundown, all day every day. This is the same thing that we tell abused women, why not ourselves?
Black and colored people have their hearts closest to the heartbeat, core and center of the Earth, and we do not, for the most part, advance and trod upon the rights of others to live and survive.
We are majorly reactionaries when it comes to “hatred” of others, and I have learned the hard way that belittling and lowering myself by behaving as they do is a stench that sinks me down to my lowest common denominator in life, and it takes broken pieces of my own true identity in order to make their racist notions and hatred multiply.
Too many times, we have witnessed white Europeans and their American implants also attempt to transfer their hatred of us into a hatred of them.
There is a psychological definition actually called “transference” that defines their mental health issues with Black persons and persons of color — as a “child to a parent” relationship, so are the typical racist’s mental attitudes toward Black and colored people. But our faith is God is always His heartbeat, as the origin and foundation of humanity across the entire globe.
The very least we deserve, as the people whom the Lord God created to found this Earth and center it, is our day in court. The most we deserve is a final severing from the growing oppression and from America’s domestic terrorism aimed at and meant to destroy and subjugate Black and colored “Americans”.
Many of them will say things like “we gave you people your freedom,” but they did not. They truly never had our freedom to give and had we not rose up and taken it, they would have believed that we must enjoy being enslaved by them. If not for us and our demands for freedom and the sacrifice of majorly Black lives in the west, this is a nation that would have stayed on the farms and plantations, gladly, and assumed that whatever is okay with us is okay with them. This nation would never have grown had we not demanded it and then put our lives on the line to make it happen.
As The Christ, the Messiah and Sun of God, repeated to the sons of satan who were after His life – “You have no power over me and no authority that I, and that my Father in Heaven, have not given you.”
As we close out, do not translate this “authority” to mean that we, as a People, must sacrifice ourselves in order to save humanity. That is not our issue. What we are dealing with right now, as this moment in time, is.
Note this and keep it close: If the sacrifice of the Lord & Savior -the One Lone Black Man who put these issues to rest once and for all – was not good enough for them when He came to save THEM and to redeem and restore US, then they belong in the very hell on earth that they have created for themselves.
There can be no doubt that the watery grave they have planned for others will surely become the one in which they will meet their final demise. On earth, as it is in Heaven.
Black people must forgive ourselves for allowing this day to come, and stand shoulder- to- shoulder with Our Creator to bring this nation, and this world, back to root and heart center again.
Even with Christ, it wasn’t “all good” all the time, there was some cleanup work He had to do. For that was our destiny from the moment of Genesis to this very day. We were created by the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley, a Bright and Morning Star — as our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and Kings David and Solomon, would have done, so must we … and these men -under God’s authority- would never have taken a back seat to a self-sworn enemy of their souls.
God created Man, Man created and enabled white man. The day is come and long overdue when we should have had enough of being the “victims” of some childish entity’s anger management issues about the fact that they were not CHOSEN by Intelligent Design, and because, metaphorically-speaking, the “school bully” picked on them “back in the day.” We are literally living with the laws of the land that were made by an educably-unsophisticated lot of folks who did not have the global vision, foresight, or anticipated scope to see the world as it was from the beginning and was forever meant to be.
This is The Scent, the Lily of the Valley of the world, the Rose of Sharon, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, that belongs exclusively to the Black and indigenous people as created and ordained by God, too many of whom act as they/we do because we do not know WHOÂ we are in the here and now.
From May to December, there is no turning back now. What must end, we are the only ones given the authority by God to end it.