What is the state of health awareness within the African American community?
Is the topic of alternative health a taboo subject in our community? Are African Americans skeptical of natural/alternative approaches to medicine and preventative health?
These are questions that Jennifer Stephens PhD, co-founder of Little Learning Farm Essentials asks her husband and co-owner, Tobias Stephens. Tobias often reminds Jennifer that in many instances, this thought pattern has been handed down generationally. Â Over generations, we have strayed far away from our traditional methods of sustaining health. Did they not work? Is advanced medical technology better? Or, maybe people just trust pharmaceuticals despite their laundry lists of side effects.
As a couple, they have had their fair share of dealings with health care in America. With Tobias suffering from an auto-immune disease, Jennifer knew it was her responsibility to take charge of their health. Â She also had her fair share of struggles with uterine fibroids and infertility. Â After years of trying to conceive, Jennifer had her fibroids surgically removed in hopes to end the infertility issues. Â
Jennifer knew surgery was not addressing the root of her issues, but she had not yet made the connection between hormonal imbalances, fibroids and infertility. She began diligently researching and educating herself on clean eating, creating a chemical free home, alternative/natural medicines and essential oils. Â They had already been using essential oils to clean their home, but had not considered using them as measures of preventative health. Â With more research, Jennifer learned that these essential oils were the most potent form of an herb.
In 2014, the Young Living essential oils would really be put to test for Jennifer and her family. Â That year the couple became pregnant with twins that unexpectedly came early. Â After 58 days in the NICU, the couple was relieved to bring their two new bundles of joy home. However, it was in the middle of cold/flu season. The couple knew they had to do something to keep themselves and the premature twins healthy. Â Once home, they broke out their essential oils and diffuser. Â They pumped the house full of therapeutic grade essential oils and came out victorious that spring. Â No one had experienced even a cold!
They were convinced that Young Living essential oils were a legit health choice and truly supported every system in their bodies. Â Since then, their family uses oils on a daily basis for practically everything! Jennifer has been eager to share their experience with everyone.
So, now is the time to be honest with yourself. Ask yourself these questions:
- Â Â Â Â Â Do you feel healthy and vibrant?
- Â Â Â Â Â Are you tired of pharmaceuticals?
- Â Â Â Â Â Do you have energy to get through your day?
- Â Â Â Â Â Can you think clearly without losing your train of thought?
- Â Â Â Â Â Are you at a healthy weight?
- Â Â Â Â Â Can your body process your food and sugar properly?
- Â Â Â Â Â Is you blood pressure at a healthy level?
- Â Â Â Â Â Ladies, are your cycles perfect and emotions totally balanced?
- Â Â Â Â Â Men, is your stamina in the gym and bedroom what you want it to be?
If you answered no to any of these questions, you need Young Living essential oils in your life! If what you are currently doing is not serving you well and not keeping you above the wellness line, you need Young Living essential oils in your life! You must change something now! By giving the body the proper nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle, we can literally overcome anything! Â It’s up to us to take responsibility for the health!
In addition to the health and wellness benefits, Young Living also offers an amazing opportunity to create financial freedom and a legacy for your children.  Join Young Living with Jennifer to do the business! There is no income ceiling and you can take control over your income.  So, not only are you helping people regain their health, you are taking advantage of an opportunity to fulfill your family’s dreams.
If you are ready to learn how to use essential oils and give your whole body the support it needs to heal itself, email Jennifer at [email protected].  She will invite you to her free interactive class to learn the basics of essential oils or set up a 101 class with you personally.  If you are ready to get started with the best essential oils on the market at 24% off, click here to get your premium starter kit and join Jennifer’s essential oil group, Little Learning Farm Essentials.
Please follow us on Facebook @TheLittleLearningFarm and on Instragram @thelittlelearningfarm
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