CNN is reporting the U.S. Department of Justice is preparing to bring a racial discrimination case against the Ferguson, Missouri police department. The law suit is said to be over the alleged racially discriminatory practices of the police department. However, if the police force agrees to make changes, the charges will be dropped.
The Department of Justice declined the opportunity to bring charges directly to Darren Wilson, the white police officer who shot and killed unarmed teen Michael Brown in August of last year. This incident sparked nationwide outrage and protest over the case. Wilson was not charged at all in the case and walked a free man.
Many wonder why the Department of Justice would step in now to only threaten the Ferguson police department with a law suit they can easily back out of by simply agreeing to make changes. According to CNN, the department would only continue their lawsuit if the police department did not agree to review and change their discriminatory police tactics.
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who is preparing to leave office, said earlier this month he hoped to complete the civil rights investigation of the shooting before he steps down.
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who is preparing to leave office, said earlier this month he hoped to complete the civil rights investigation of the shooting before he steps down.
CNN said the potential Justice Department lawsuit could include allegations that police targeted minorities in issuing minor traffic infractions and then jailed them if they could not pay the fines.
It reported the agency would seek court supervision of changes taken by Ferguson police to improve its dealings with minorities.
Many question the timing and the teeth behind the potential lawsuit by the Department of Justice. It seems to be rather week. If the Ferguson police department only has to agree to review and make some changes to their policies, then nothing is really being done to them as a result of their actions.
Many African Americans have had their records unfairly sullied, lost money, time and their dignity in the wake of an out of control police force….and the best the Department of Justice can do is offer a ‘threat’ of a lawsuit? No one is going to lose their job, career or pension?
SOUND OFF: Why do you think this ‘threat’ of a case is being brought to the Ferguson police department? Are we being pacified?
Source: MSN