Texas Officer Speaks Up EXPOSING Sandra Bland Cover Up Despite Threats….

by | Aug 16, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Attempts to discredit an office speaking up about a cover up surrounding statements made about the death of Sandra Bland in Police Custody are well underway. However his voice and possible truths need to be heard, need to be given full attention and spread.

This officer is a white Texas officer, he has a one page report in the Bland file but he says that has been cut and was submitted without his approval.

The Huffington Post’s Michael McLaughlin spoke to him about the removed elements, threats against his and also detailed the come backs to his claims.

The officer is Prairie View police officer Michael Kelley and The Huffington Post reported:

By the time Kelley arrived on the scene of what began as a traffic stop, he said that Bland was already handcuffed in the back of a squad car. He said he overheard Encinia, who had turned off his own body camera, admitting that he didn’t know what charge to lodge against Bland, but declaring that he’d come up with something. That’s one key part of Kelley’s incident report that he claims has been removed.


“My opinion is that he messed up,” Kelley told HuffPost. “He did not have probable cause to detain her after he pulled her out of the car.”

Another detail missing from the incident report, the officer said, is his observation that it looked like Bland had been struck in the head.

“She had a large mark on her head. Maybe she fell when she was in handcuffs. Maybe she got kicked,” Kelley told HuffPost. She complained about head pain but didn’t cooperate with emergency medical workers, he said.

He says that his two page rough draft was cut down to less than a page and filed without his approval. He said he wanted to testify before the grand jury in the investigation into Bland’s arrest but that he was threatened by Assistant District Attorney Warren Diepraam who told him “it wouldn’t be good for my career,” and when he said he wanted to talk with the attorney of Bland’s mother, Diepraam told him “I was going to be beneath the jail.”.

The discrediting of 33-year-old Kelley is centered around his own conduct. In October last year an incident occurred where black Prairie View city councilman Jonathan Miller allegedly didn’t comply with police orders and Kelley was was indicted for allegedly misusing a Taser.

Diepraam says that the claims are “ludicrous and slanderous,” and that “It’s a sickening attempt by a desperate individual to get out of responsibility for his own police misconduct,”.

There is more too in this mess and you can get more details over at the Huffington Post’s original article: http://huff.to/29Ydfz3

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