Tennessee Red Lobster Waitress Gets Handwritten Tip: ‘None, N*gger’

by | Sep 9, 2013 | News | 2 comments

The New Civil Rights Movement – A nursing student working few days a week in a Nashville, Tennessee Red Lobster says she was surprised when a couple in their 20′s wrote in the tip section of their receipt, “none n*gger.” 19-year old Toni Christina Jenkins posted a photo of the receipt to her Facebook page, writing, “This is what I got as a tip last night…so happy to live in the proud southern states..God Bless America, land of the free and home of the low class racists of Tennessee.”

none nigLater, Jenkins urged her friends to “Keep it up please..the more you share the more awareness we create.” She also wrote, ”Thank you everyone for your love. I’m continuing to keep my head up as God has already begun giving me beauty for ashes.”

After Gawker and other media outlets caught wind of the story, some have questioned if it really happened, suggesting she wrote the slur herself. Other cite the handwriting in the tip area as different from the signature.

But Jenkins also wrote of Facebook that “News 2 is on the job!,” and later, “I’m not reading anymore post or answering anyone else direct messages..I’m now getting harassed about the validity of the receipt. If u know me u know how to reach me.”

Jenkins told London’s Daily Mail, “I don’t get tips all the time. I really don’t care cause God is my provider I don’t worry about tips.”

“They were extremely rude, but I introduced myself to them and they didn’t respond. When I came to take their orderm they simply told me they wanted their food and to put everything in a to-go box. I offered them dessert but they told me abruptly that they just wanted the check.”

“When I went back to the table they had gone and left the receipt and had written the comments.”

“It’s all very surprising to me. When I posted it I thought it might get a few ‘likes’ from friends and family. People praying for me, that kind of thing. I didn’t think it would escalate this quickly. I am just a 19-year-old nursing student.”

Source: http://thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/tennessee-red-lobster-waitress-gets-handwritten-tip-none-ngger/discrimination/2013/09/09/74678

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  1. Martin Barnes

    Same hand writing. Look at all the tails on the writing and the print and most of all look at lower case (e)……….Investigator for 17 years. 99.9 percent the same author.
    Both were also done in a hurry.

  2. Morticon Diaryland

    She’s trying to raise awareness about racism yet she makes a snide comment about the South. Nice. If you think there aren’t racists in the North you’re *quite* mistaken.


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