Four young teens have stood tall and defied the pressure of gangs but also asked for jobs to help them stave off the temptation.
Stories like this make me proud of some young people who have a lot of courage and fight in the face of hard times.
We know the pressure on black youth in America, the draw of gang culture and the general hardships facing young African Americans in these times.
So what happened?
A Zsa Zsa Heard, who heads the LaGrange Housing Authority, posted this to Facebook
“I want Facebook to empower these young men they walked into my office today and asked for a job. I said why do you want a job? They said so we want get in trouble and we do not want to be in a gang! I said have people approached you about being in a gang they said yes’mam! I hired them on the spot! The streets will not have our children! ‪#‎ILOVELHACHILDREN‬”
The four young men Dylik, Dennis, Deion and Jalen were immediately hired on the spot, no questions as their responses floored her!
Credit to this women and let’s hope other young men fight to stay away!