Tech Giant Apple And The Racism It Displays Against Black Men Overseas [Video]

by | Nov 12, 2015 | News | 0 comments

Apple, Inc. had become one of the biggest tech giants on earth. They make friendly commercials that display diversity with their products. When you go in an Apple store, majority of the time their salesman and technicians are very nice. Well, thats in the United States. Apparently, racism is devastating other countries besides the United States if you paying attention to what is going on with the police murders and racism on college campuses.

Over in Australia, some young black Australians decided to go in an Apple Store. What happened next freaked them out. While browsing the store, they were asked to leave because it was obvious their intent was to steal from the store. The young boys could not believe the accusations as they are dressed in school uniform and just hanging out at the mall. They even let the Apple, Inc. employees know that they own iPhones. To no avail, they were asked to leave because from what they saw, the young black boys were trying to steal. I guess racism is just in the blood of people, it is something that will never die. Even in 2015, nothing has changed from 100 years ago. Regardless of the money we make, the accomplishments we make, we are just niggas to them that don’t belong. Maybe the time has come that we separate ourselves from them (this includes our money).

Racism – Kicked out of Apple store

Apple store in Melbourne kicks out #AfricanAustralian teens "We're just worried that you might steal something" they were told. The victims were shocked "we all owned iphones that's why we were in the store". #Racism #Racialprofiling #Apple #iphone

Posted by African Australian on Wednesday, November 11, 2015

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