Tavis Smiley Vs Bill O’Reilly on Police Violence: ‘How many isolated incidents equal a pattern? (Video)

by | Apr 16, 2015 | Celebrities | 0 comments

Tavis Smiley hasn’t been exactly popular with the black community lately, but looks like he will gain a few points after sparring with Fox News Host Bill O’Reilly.

Smiley faced off with O’Reilly when the two were on a panel Wednesday night discussing many of the recent police brutality cases around the country. O’Reilly, being his typical self, disregarded this all as isolated incidents that only got media attention because they were caught on vdeo.

Travis-smiley-bill-oriellySmiley begins to dismantle O’Reilly from there.

“My question to you, Bill O’Reilly, is: How many isolated incidents equal a pattern?” Smiley said.

O’Reilly didn’t lay down after a bit of silents, but he did admit he couldn’t answer the question. Smiley pulled an O’Reilly on O’Reilly and said he was dodging the question.

“It’s an impossible question – I’m not dodging – it’s an impossible question to answer with any certainty,” O’Reilly said, comparing a statistic showing 135 black men shot by police in one recent year to the 1.2 million police officers in the U.S.

Smiley said he did not dispute O’Reilly’s statistics, but rather his interpretation of their meaning.

“When you try to tell black people every time one of these incidents happens and another precious young life is lost, that it’s just an isolated incident — that’s offensive, No. 1,” he said.

“But No. 2, as you said earlier, there are far more white people maimed by cops every day in this country than black people, and this is why this ought to be a concern for all Americans – not a color-coded issue,” Smiley continued. “We’ve got to respect and revel in the humanity of all citizens.

“And I have to stick up for the cops, because generally I think they’re doing a good job,” O’Reilly said.

See entire segment here:


SOUND OFF: What do you think of Tavis Smiley and the O’Reilly debate?

Source: Raw Story

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