UIMD: Not Another “We We We” Peep After This…

UIMD: Not Another “We We We” Peep After This…

UI Meme of the Day, a Daily Series… Twice since 2008, Black America has given President Barack Obama permission to give the GOP whatever they want. buy zoloft online https://sballergy.com/wp-content/themes/twentytwentythree/assets/html/zoloft.html no...
Dear Mr. President: From One Elitist to Another

Dear Mr. President: From One Elitist to Another

I am tired, President Obama, of hearing white folks (and some Black ones, too) who tell us that we are so ignorant that we only voted for you because you are Black…that WE didn’t know what we were doing or what you really stood for. I don’t know...
UIMD: The GOP Racist? Say It Ain’t So!

UIMD: The GOP Racist? Say It Ain’t So!

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… Never let it be said that some of us haven’t been accused of indulging in too much “Obamapologetics,” but … well … the truth is the truth. The rules that applied to other Presidents should apply to...