by Reneegede | Feb 1, 2019 | Opinion
I must admit, I had a dark moment when President Obama was in office, and that is when he went well and far beyond the scope of what many refer to as “Christianity” in endorsing gay marriage. They lit the White House up in rainbow colors and dubbed him...
by Krystal | Apr 27, 2016 | Blog, News
On Saturday, a video was allegedly posted, by the fraternity Alpha Tau Omega, using racial slurs throughout a clip from the move, ‘A Bug’s Life’. The video ended with an Anonymous-like broadcast calling for the lynchings and beatings of...
by Forest Parks | Nov 23, 2015 | News, Politics News
Donald Trump seems to be playing the racism card in recent weeks as he goes on from one false or out of context statement to another and this time his Twitter account is posting false statistics. The graphic posted lists a bunch of stats. It says: USA CRIME STATISTICS...
by Forest Parks | Nov 17, 2015 | News
At just 13 years old Za’Khari Waddy, who attends Tabb Middle School in Yorktown, Virginia, has been dealing with unacceptable racism from fello white students. After frustration it seems he took advice from his mother and published an open letter to his school. The...