by Reneegede | Jan 1, 2019 | Opinion
No, I’m not confused. I finally realized, when I discovered that the Bible was the Black History Book of the World, that white people didn’t just steal the land and the resources, they stole the religions, too. All was used as a system and mechanism of...
by Reneegede | Apr 9, 2017 | Opinion
A white European visited an African country and saw a young Black African man lying under a coconut tree on the beach, enjoying his sun bath and the freshly salted wind from the sea. He shook his head, puzzled by what he considered to be the laziness of the African...
by Reneegede | Jan 16, 2017 | Opinion
I remember the first time I met Eddie Long … or the first time I made the acquaintance of Eddie Long’s “entourage” in the form of a pack of wild security guards … Black folks who had been given just enough ‘white power’ to...
by Reneegede | Jan 3, 2017 | Opinion
It’s been a long complicated twisted road since that alleged “allegory” about Adam and Eve and a serpent in the Garden of Eden, and it came to a decided head with the onset of the European Americanized version of racist Christianity on slave...
by Reneegede | Apr 14, 2014 | Opinion
Yesterday, the news came out into the social media airwaves about the fast-growing and spreading “Atheist Mega-Church.” What began as a British joke turned into a full-scale worship center for non-believers. As a Believer-in-Action and not a...