by Reneegede | Sep 29, 2016 | Opinion
Find your tribe, a long-standing friend of mine said very recently. As a recovering people addict and bonafide member of Co-Dependents Anonymous, finding a “tribe” is hard to do when you’ve spent years developing the art of isolation in order to stay...
by Reneegede | Aug 13, 2014 | Opinion
IN MEMORY OF ROBIN WILLIAMS Robin Williams was one of the most prolific and misunderstood actors of all time. In my mind, he was so famous, and so infamous, that I knew the laughter could not last much longer. He tried too hard; and when a man tries as hard as he did...
by Nikk Nikkler | Jul 8, 2013 | Blog
i’ve probably been depressed longer than i can actually remember. which in and of itself is depressing. it’s been a LONG road from beginning to here, and though i personally mark my lowest point as the period of ages 21-23, wherein i had a complete mental...