True enough, for a racist white woman in Texas to encounter a swimming party filled with 14- and 15-year old Black students out for summer break and incite a literal riot is something to discuss and get angry about, world without end — ad nauseum.
However, there is only one thing the racist faction of the white community has in common: Their deep-seated need to constantly set off firebombs of laws and challenges and to develop and design political straw men aimed at setting the Black communities of America backward by more than 50 years. The fight for equal rights is a continuing work in progress that remains steeped in unmitigated white privilege.
In what appears to be an unending series of unwarranted domestic terrorist murders, attacks, assaults, robberies, slights, potshots, and any filthy inhumane degradation by whites with bad attitudes and mental health/drug addiction issues and by those whites in the medias and justice system who have yet to get over the election of a Black President in America, yet and still AGAIN one more insidious bastard of their inhumanity has dared to raise its head above the fray. One would be inclined to think they’d have gotten tired of hearing themselves saying the same crapola and telling the same lies over and over again.
It is no coincidence that the now largely-talked about “swimming pool incident” in McKinney, Texas had at its centerpiece one vicious thug of an adult white female who decided to pick a fight with a teenaged Black girl, calling her (and all of them) ‘niggers’ and telling them they should get back to their “Section 8” housing where they belonged (and never mind that several of them lived in the same neighborhood where the pool was located).
It is also no coincidence that the adult white female thug was a Bank of America employee, and that Bank of America – as we speak – is currently involved in a series of blowback lawsuits regarding the role they played in redlining the homes of minorities and tending to predatory loans through their formerly underwritten and now-defunct subsidiary loan shark organization, Countrywide. But Countrywide wasn’t the only predatory loan company BofA underwrote, it was just the major piece of a dastardly puzzle that unraveled unexpectedly. They went for the hard-ass approach on home loans to minorities and it backfired on them, it’s as simple as that. And while they screwed millions of mostly Black and a lot of Hispanic people, they did it all with a friendly handshake and a smile.
Totally innocent of the charges leveled at them? Not so fast.
One of the many lawsuits is a concerted effort by Bank of America to save the sinking ship it is now floating on in order to blur the lines about what is and is not, provably, racial discrimination; that is, discrimination in housing, homeowner lending, and low-income housing stips administered through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Indeed, the now-defunct Bank of America employee -I’m certain we’ve all heard of her by now- is part and parcel of the racial discrimination that has seized America in a vice grip since the Radical Reconstruction, the days of ’40 acres and a mule’, and the on-going never-ending fight to achieve racial justice in America through what should be a consolidated demand for reparations.
That every white person of Tracey’s mental ilk sees every Black person that she happens to run into as a “welfare recipient” or a “tax-dependent” is pejorative.
Their screwed up ideas about who is entitled to public assistance and who is not covers less than 40-percent of the Black population in certain parts of America and less than 20-percent of Black Americans overall. However, keeping in mind their contiguous pre-emptive strikes around the nation aimed at keeping the old Reaganesque “Blacks on welfare” welfare queen dialogue hot and bothersome, it is no wonder that we now have everything from the unjustifiable murders of unarmed Black men and women, and boys and girls, to “stop drop and roll cops” barreling across grassy knolls at little skinny unarmed 14-year old Black females wearing bikinis who, unfortunately and incredulously, make armed and extremely dangerous white cops feel that their “lives are in danger.”
Here’s the problem, and it is really over-simplifying these matters on so many levels, but here goes.
There is a certain racist faction of whites across America who have a vested interest in making certain that this nation continues to disparage and discriminate against Black people, as if their lives depend on it. As long as they believe they can keep Black Americans safely “in their place,” they will continue to dip the “American dream” in Clorox and make sure the color stays off and everything remains white-washed, as if white Jesus’ obvious hatred of all humans on Earth who aren’t rich white overtly-privileged Americans is not enough for them.
For decades now, we’ve been dealing with set-ups, sabotages, staged plants, perjury committed and allowed in courts as long as the one doing the perjuring is white and the accused is Black, false testimony, fake evidence, and nearly every single solitary racist idea that they’ve ever used draped in encoded language and words and phrases in order to make it appear that their inherent racism does not exist when it really. Really. Does.
No, Black America … it’s NOT your imagination, and you are not paranoid; but Bank of America would like for the Supreme Court to rule that you are making it all up and blowing their well-formed wonderful intentions to “help” you own a home that they already knew would be foreclosed on in two years, more or less, all out of proportion, to say the least.
Comes Now, in the United States Supreme Court, a certain question up for a ruling and decision regarding the definition of what it is to discriminate against others and how that discrimination is defined and delimited; what makes it valid or invalid, and what exonerates racists from being responsible for the isht they do.
According to Amy Howe of ScotusBlog … “Many businesses, landlords, and lawmakers want the Court to rule that disparate-impact [i.e., negro-specific] claims are not allowed under the FHA for much the same reason: why should we face lawsuits, they ask, if we have good intentions and didn’t mean to discriminate but our actions just so happen to disproportionately affect minorities?”
Just. So. Happen. rrriiighhhhttt…
It’s bullshitspeak for “Tell us how we are going to make it appear that we are not being racially discriminatory just because we happened to do something racially discriminatory to minorities.”
In one fell sweep, a superficial “swimming pool incident” has turned into a helluva lot more than just an incident.
It is no coincidence that the State of Texas has raised the Head of the Ugly Duckling of Racial Politics and dragged a dead duck back into the muck by bringing a Supreme Court challenge and question that should have been over and done a long time ago. It is no ‘mere coincidence’ that a race-mongering Bank of America (now former-) employee was thrown into the mix just for good measure.
Black Parent Connect, an organization that is in the midst of beginning a PETAC (a political action committee that is not in the business of lobbying the government) in order to help Black people understand the true impact that they have in local, regional, and national politics IF ONLY WE WOULD PAY ATTENTION AND TRY TO STAY AHEAD OF THE GAME INSTEAD OF ON THE MARCHING END OF THE STICK UNTIL IT’S TOO LITTLE TOO DANGED LATE.
The children’s advocacy group is waving red flags like nobody’s business in a concerted effort to bring attention to the fact that this “pool party SKIRMISH” had a LOT more to it than a fight between an evil@ grown white woman and an innocent little teenaged Black girl in a bathing suit, and a helluva lot more to it than a fight with a Ninja Turtle-playing-@ police officer who used the now-infamous “I was afraid for my life” B.S. argument in order to justify his wrongdoing.
It is amazing that they seem to always have the same ol’ tired game plan, one I have seen for myself over and over again, ad nauseum: Start some uncalled for mess with Black people or a Black person, use “code words” that rile up their little cornball pea-headed racist faction of white America just to seal in the white nationalist juices, sit back and look innocent and pretend to be little sweetie-pies when the media and THE JUDGE starts asking questions, then watch it all fall into the “niggers are always causing problems” T-column, when in fact, the issues with racism in this country are almost ALWAYS, without fail, their own fault.
They don’t have to take responsibility for it; it’s our responsibility to shovel their isht right back into their debit column where it belongs and give credit where credit is due … AD INFINITUM, and post-haste at that.
We’ve often said that there seems to be a hailstorm of racist activity across this nation since November of 2008, but after all is on the table, racism in America never ended. There was no post-racial America at any time in this nation’s history, it just went undercover. When all of the racial innuendos on the planet did not stop then-Senator Barack Obama from entering the Oval Office as the officially duly-elected President of the United States, this latest barrage went past the point of ridiculousness and spilled out into the open for the whole world to see. Seems that Black people are not being unjustly “paranoid” after all, and now everyone knows it.
What drunken drug-addicted schizophrenic club are they all members of anyway? And what evil have they done that causes them to think the way they do? And even more than that, what has brought them to the point where they would pray and prey on a bunch of knotty Supreme Court Justices (Rule of Three) to tell us all that their racial discrimination is just our imagination?
It’s spooky, like ‘creepy-@krakka’ spooky (thank you, Trayvon Martin-gone but never forgotten) to think of how many times Black Americans have seen this BS condition over and over again, and in how many various ways they slink out of it and away from their own responsibility in it; and to think of how many times I have personally seen and been through it myself.
Connecting the Dots
They keep using the same racist ruses and Black people keep being distracted by the ugly noise they front it with. In the meantime, no one is watching the ‘sleight of hand’ trick in the musty “underarm hair” background that acknowledges that a country which held slaves for so long, became entitled and addicted to free and cheap labor, and then discriminated against the descendants of those slaves for so long that it has not stopped to this very day, now has the unmitigated gall to tell us that we are racist for fighting back. [And keep in mind that they are also the same types who terrorize people in their own countries, on their own LAND even; and then call them terrorists for fighting back.]
While the Supreme Court rules on whether or not banks and businesses will be able to play “Wizard of Oz” head games with racial discrimination in America, the same argument that ripped the heart out of the 1965 Voting Rights Act on President Obama’s watch, Black people around the country are so busy “empiring” and “scandaling” the drama of the McKinney, Texas pool party incident that they aren’t watching the spook sitting by the door making and extracting the heart out of Equal Opportunity laws that make the Color Line of W.E.B. DuBois‘ day even more impenetrable now than it was back then.
They walked off with our voting rights {that they didn’t think we should have had in the first place} about two years ago, give or take a few, so what will we sit back and allow them to have next, with the help of their own little self-made “Black and scapegoated white man’s best friend”, Al Sharpton.
Keep swimming… I mean, MARCHING.