Some Positive News for those who can stomach it: Steve Harvey, some  sad long hours ago, said he didn’t give a damn about slavery during this, yet another Black History Month; and it was yet another double-barreled shot and gut-punch heard around the Black community world.
I wouldn’t speak on it earlier for reasons that I shall keep to myself. However …
The correct and most appropriate response came back to hit Harvey smack in that big ugly bald head of his: Would he have said he didn’t give a damn about the Holocaust in public in the broad light of day, and not had his show cancelled and his ass handed to him on a JewISH Hollywood platter?
Pro’lly not.
Only the Black community would be so very accepting of a Black racist using a white racist like Paula Deen to mentor and tutor young Black men, and only the Black community at-large would allow a wholesale ‘for sale’ Black racist like Steve Harvey to say “I don’t give a damn about slavery,” and still watch his shows and support him; and better still, only the Black community allows at-large racism and hatred to continue on our watch and pass on to our future generations by being more tolerant of it than we should — more tolerant than anyone else would be, given the circumstances.
Let’s hear some more excuses like “I don’t blame him. I don’t care about slavery, either,” or “Slavery is in the past, it’s past time for us to move on,” or “Everything isn’t all about race.” Even worse “Oh he was just joking. Can’t you take a joke?” Hell no, and yes – in America, everything is all about race.
This nation was founded on race and racism, white supremacy and white privilege, and it apparently isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Also, isht about slavery is simply not funny at all. EVER. However …
You live in a nation where 911, also a thing of the past, is memorialized every September 11 … and Steve Harvey would never say he doesn’t give a damn about it, nor will you hear white people saying “get over it.” That “get over it” stuff is all ‘specially packaged just for us, even though it’s just as easy to say that the people who had relatives and friends to die in the Twin Towers and in those aircraft and other places are just sloshing around a “victim mentality” every time they mention it.
You live in a nation where nobody forgets Sandy Hook as easily as they forget Hurricane Katrina. Somehow, nobody was prepared for a school shooter tossing flying bullets, but ‘those blacks’ heard the weather warnings in New Orleans and should have gotten the hell out whilst they could, even though (a) most of them had nowhere else to go; and (b) the ones who did try to leave were mostly stolen from, gunned down, and raped on their way out while everyone, including some Black folk, acted like it wasn’t that big of a deal. Why? Some Black people probably told them it wasn’t that big of a deal, that’s why.
You also live in a nation where Khazarians and Ashkenazi have received economic reparations from a United States that had nearly absolutely nothing to do with what happened to them in Germany; but also in a nation that has given no reparations –zero– to the children and descendants of those slaves Harvey doesn’t care about, likely because Blacks like Harvey don’t give a damn about that either and have told them it isn’t necessary. And this is the nation that did just as dastardly a deed, if not worse, to its very own Black citizen in this country than Hitler did to JewISH people in Germany. Still doing it, truth be told.
Now, for those of you looking for more positive news, or the “secrets of the universe” or the “power of positive thinking,” this is about as “positive” as it gets when we must tell the truth and put the devil to shame.
However, if there is some positive news above and beyond this little piece of action that you would like for me to report about and write on, feel free to share it at greeneink @ gmail . com.
I’d love to do that. I’ll be waiting. Go ahead, make MY day.
This Doesnt Surprise Me.. I Use To Date Steve Years Ago… Many Years Later I Called In On Another Radio Personalities Show & Expressed My Opinion.. Well Steve Was Due To Make A Statement Later In The Show… Out Of 300 Comments Steve Used My Statement Verbatim And Then Added ” “Black People Think Their So Smart But Their Not”!!! He obviously knew who i was… Why Do That… I Tried To Call Back In An Curse Him Out To No Prevail… My Friend Carl Wright To Me When He Was Alive That If You Don’t Have Money For Steve He Don’t Care About Knowing You… To Which I Told Carl You The Same Way But We Just Happen To Be “TRUE FRIENDS”.. We Both Laughed???